Why does type check fail when selecting a function indirectly only

To better explain the title, I am selecting one of several functions to accumulate log data. The selection of the function is done via a parameter (color).

  enum TraceColor derives CanEqual:
    case BlackAndWhite, Colours, Gray

The selected “add-trace” functions take in an accumulator (String) and a result:

  sealed trait QAResult[R]:
    def report: String

Here are the trace functions:

  def addTrace[R](trace: String, result: QAResult[R]): String = ???
  def addColouredTrace[R](trace: String, result: QAResult[R]): String = ???
  def addGrayTrace[R](trace: String, result: QAResult[R]): String = ???

which are invoked in a fold function:

  def fold[I]( 
              r:       I, 
              add:     (String, QAResult[_]) => String
             ): String =

And here is one way to select a trace function that works:

def trace[I](r: I, colour: TraceColor = TraceColor.BlackAndWhite): String =
  import TraceColor._
  colour match
    case BlackAndWhite => fold(r, addTrace)
    case Colours => fold(r, addColouredTrace)
    case Gray => fold(r, addGrayTrace)

If however I assign the trace function to a value:

  def traceBad_1[I](r: I, colour: TraceColor = TraceColor.BlackAndWhite): String =
    import TraceColor._
    val func = 
      colour match
        case BlackAndWhite => addTrace
        case Colours => addColouredTrace
        case Gray => addGrayTrace
    fold(r, func)

I get the error:

Found:    (func : (String, Playground.QAResult[Any]) => String)
Required: (String, Playground.QAResult[?]) => String

If I add another type parameter R and assign that explicit to the fold, it works:

  def fold0[I,R]( 
              r:       I, 
              add:     (String, QAResult[R]) => String
            ): String =

  def traceBad_3[I,R](r: I, colour: TraceColor = TraceColor.BlackAndWhite): String =
    import TraceColor._
    val func = if colour == BlackAndWhite then addTrace[R]
    else if colour == Colours then addColouredTrace[R]
    else addGrayTrace[R]
    fold0[I,R](r, func)

So my question is, shouldn’t the first case fail to compile? If not, why?

The code can be found in scastie