Welcome to Scala 3.2.0-RC2 (, Java Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM).
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scala> import scala.reflect.ClassTag
scala> summon[ClassTag[Int]] <:< summon[ClassTag[AnyVal]]
1 warning found
-- Deprecation Warning: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 |summon[ClassTag[Int]] <:< summon[ClassTag[AnyVal]]
|method <:< in trait ClassManifestDeprecatedApis is deprecated since 2.10.0: use scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag for subtype checking instead
val res0: Boolean = true
scala> import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
-- [E008] Not Found Error: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1 |import scala.reflect.runtime.universe.TypeTag
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
| value runtime is not a member of reflect
1 error found
Scala 3 does not have any equivalent to TypeTag
for run-time reflection.
However, there exists a third party library izumi-reflect
that aims at providing a replacement.
Depending on what your use case is exactly, using Scala 3 macros directly can also be the way to go instead. For instance consider: Obtaining the name of a type (Scala 3) - #6 by hmf
I’m myself going through that for my library, and I have been able to replace most of my former reliance on scala.reflect.runtime
with scala.quoted
counterparts (e.g utilities that were in this, the result of which I’ll post soon)
You just did. But you can do it again.
(though probably you should open a new discussion, even if it links to or quotes this one)
I am so unlucky, that if I found a bottle with a genie inside, I would uncork it and sjrd would appear and trick me out of a wish. “I said genie, not genius!”
My question is, how can I use chatgpt to reply on moribund threads with embedded commercial links?
The reply should appear friendly and helpful and of genius quality, much like sjrd.