What do people use in Scala 3 to read EXIF data from JPG/TIFF files?

What do people use in Scala 3 to read EXIF data from JPG/TIFF files?

I found slibexif, but it is only Scala 2.

Then there is Apache Commons Imaging, but as a Java lib I’m not sure how well it plays with Scala.

All suggestions are appreciated!

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I use a ton of stuff from Apache Commons, they are great.

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As a rule of thumb, you can use pretty much any Java lib from Scala. You often find yourself needing to encapsulate the Java-isms (null, mutability, etc) so they don’t leak into your Scala code, but that’s usually not too hard.


I am quite satisfied with drewnoakes / metadata-extractor. Java code but works well with Scala.