The following minimalistic code does not compile.
object Operators {
trait Operator[T <: Singleton & String, IN, OUT]:
def process(v: IN): OUT
given Operator["ceil", Float, Int] with {
override def process(v: Float): Int = math.ceil(v).toInt
given Operator["floor", Float, Int] with {
override def process(v: Float): Int = math.floor(v).toInt
def testOperators(): Unit = {
assert(summon[Operator["ceil", Float, Int]].process(1.5f) == 2)
assert(summon[Operator["floor", Float, Int]].process(1.5f) == 1)
Because it considers the two defined givens as equivalent (?), even if they differ on the first literal type parameter value.
From the error, it seems that the literal type is not considered at some stage of compilation:
given_Operator__Float_Int is already defined as object given_Operator__Float_Int
given Operator["floor", Float, Int] with {
I would have expected to see something like “given_Operator_ceil_Float_Int”.
However, if I keep only one given and remove the other one, the summon actually does check the literal type, and the program does not compile when I specify a string value not corresponding to the one in the given.(eg summon[Operator[“toto”, Float, Int]] does not compile)
Is there a rationale behind this behavior ?
I’m on scala 3.4.
Thank you !