I’m trying to get a very, very verbose SBT build to produce a lot less output on the console.
The verbosity comes from running lots of tests that write to standard output. It’s handy having all this output when running locally, but I suspect it is killing a downstream automated build, one that does not make its logs available.
The output is predominantly from calls to println
, not from logging.
I’m loath to cutover all the println
calls, so I tried modifying the SBT build file to suppress output on forked tests, using Test / forkOptions
. The way I’ve done it is overblown, but I’m trying to get this to work - and failing.
An excerpt from the SBT build file:
Test / testGrouping := {
val tests = (Test / definedTests).value
.map { case (groupName, group) =>
new Group(
(Test / forkOptions).value
// Redirect output to a null output stream.
Global / concurrentRestrictions := Seq(Tags.limit(Tags.ForkedTestGroup, 6)),
Test / fork := true,
Test / testForkedParallel := false,
// Once more for luck - redirect output to a null output stream.
Test / forkOptions := (Test / forkOptions).value.withOutputStrategy(
Note the calls to withOutputStrategy( OutputStrategy.CustomOutput(OutputStream.nullOutputStream) )
Still it pumps out garbage!
If push comes to shove, then yes, I’ll cut over to logging, but is there a way this small change can be made to work?