[Solved] I need help with a type error

Sorry if this is a little longer, but I cannot really ask for help without explaining some things first.
I am building a library that helps with using collections in a Functional Reactive Programming context. The idea is that having i.e. an Observable[Seq[A]] is really inperformant. Let’s say that you do the following:

val stream: Observable[Seq[Int]] = ???
val sorted = stream.map(_.map(_ * 2))

In this case, the whole collection would be mapped anew every time onNext was called on the Observable.

Instead my library is supposed to provide the following functionality:

val input:  VBuffer[Double, Subject]      = VBuffer[Double](PublishSubject)
val output: RSeq[Double, Observable]      = input.map(n => n * 2)
val result: Observable[RSeqEvent[Double]] = output.stream


input += 1                       // => Append(2)
input += 2                       // => Append(4)
input.prepend(0)                 // => Prepend(0)
input.insert(2, 1.5)             // => Insertion(2, 3)
input ++= List(10, 11, 12)       // => AppendAll(List(20, 22, 24))
input.patch(4, List(5, 6, 7), 0) // => Patch(3, List(10, 12, 14), 0)

Since I do not want to depend on a specific streaming lib, I have a typeclass called Sink which abstracts over streaming types.

trait Sink[-F[_]] {
  def onNext[A](sink: F[A])(value: A): Unit
  def onError[A](sink: F[A])(error: Throwable): Unit

I know that returning Unit is not functionally pure and I would normally return something else, like an IO[Ack] maybe, or a generic effect type F[_] : Effect, but since I do not want to re-implement all of monix for this example, Unit will do.

To make things easier to understand, I modeled things after scalas stdlib collections. (also because they already are pretty awesome)
This is my current structure

trait RIterableOps[+A, +G[_], +CC[_, _[_]], +C] {
  type E

trait RIterable[+A, +G[_]] extends RIterableOps[A, G, RIterable, RIterable[A, G]] {
  def stream: G[E]

sealed trait RSeqEvent[+A]
case class Append[+A](elem: A) extends RSeqEvent[A]

trait RSeq[+A, +G[_]] extends RIterable[A, G] {
  type E <: RSeqEvent[A]

abstract class VBuffer[A, G[_] : Sink] extends RSeq[A, G] {
  def streamEvent(event: RSeqEvent[A])(implicit G: Sink[G]): Unit = G.onNext(stream)(event)

  override def append(elem: A): this.type = {

The type A is the content of the collection and G[_] is the streaming type, i.e. a monix Observable. E is the type of the events that can occur on that collection, i.e. Append or Insert. I made E a type-member to not overcomplicate the type parameters. Two already is wayy too much.
This worked out nicely so far, but when Implementing the VBuffer, I am getting a compile error.

type mismatch;
 found   : event.type (with underlying type Playground.this.RSeqEvent[A])
 required: VBuffer.this.E

Here is a scastie that reproduces the error. https://scastie.scala-lang.org/lYeSJEnVQnOD3BIaLMRd1g
I am pretty inexperienced with using type variances, so I don’t really know where to start describing this.
The basic idea is that VBuffer provides a way to input events into the stream, using an interface that is similar to scala.collection.Buffer. How could I work around this type error?
Or should I revamp my design entirely?

I have to admit that at a quick glance I haven’t fully understood neither the rationale for this approach nor the overall design idea. The compiler error is quite comprehensible, though, and it’s not related to variance.

The first argument to G#onNext() is stream, of type G[E] - this binds #onNext()'s A to E for this application. The second argument is event, of type RSeqEvent[A] - but there’s no evidence that E =:= RSeqEvent[A]. We only know that E <: RSeqEvent[A], so it could be bound to some specific subtype like Append[A] in a concrete instantiation of VBuffer.

So either you allow arbitrary update operations (instances of RSeqEvent[A]) on VBuffer, thus rendering E moot altogether, or you only allow events of type E - but then you can’t have specific updates (as in #append()) defined on VBuffer.

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I just solved it myself with the help of this Stackoverflow post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33458782/scala-type-members-variance

I needed to explicitly define type M = RSeqEvent[A] in VBuffer to work around type ambiguity.

What a coincidence! Thanks for your help. I have been sitting on this problem for ~2 weeks now.

YES! Finally!!!