Simple CLI app exercising Cats, Cats Effect, fs2

I’m still pretty new to the Cats ecosystem, and I hadn’t looked into fs2 at all, yet (although I’ve been using it under the hood with http4s). In order to get my feet wet with fs2 and practice interoperating with Cats APIs, I came up with a minimalist toy project, inspired by this thread.

The idea is a simplistic CLI app that just echoes reversed input lines to the user. Each input/output pair is logged to a file. Once user interaction exits (on empty input), the full log is dumped to XML format. In addition to the libraries mentioned above, the app uses scodec for the running log and StAX for the XML dump.

If anybody dares to take a look, any input is appreciated: Error reports, improvement suggestions, style discussions,…

Once I get this right, this might serve as a showcase that goes beyond the tutorials for the individual libraries, but doesn’t yet delve into the complexity of smaller-size real-world projects. I’ve been looking for such a thing, but didn’t really find anything - pointers to stuff I’ve missed are appreciated, as well.

Code follows below, full project here.

package de.sangamon.funreverse

import java.nio.file._
import java.time._
import java.{io => jio}

import cats._
import cats.implicits._
import cats.effect._
import scodec._
import scodec.codecs._

import scala.{io => sio}

 * - Print reverse of input lines, exit on empty line
 * - Write call log to file
 * - On exit, dump call log to XML file
object FunReverse extends IOApp {

  case class Call(time: Instant, input: String, result: String)

  object Call {
    val instantCodec: Codec[Instant] = vlong.xmap[Instant](Instant.ofEpochMilli, _.toEpochMilli)
    implicit val callCodec: Codec[Call] = (instantCodec :: utf8_32 :: utf8_32).as[Call]

  trait Log[F[_], A] { def log(item: A): F[Unit] }

  object Log {

    def apply[F[_], A](implicit log: Log[F, A]): Log[F, A] = implicitly[Log[F, A]]

    class FileLog[F[_] : Sync, A : Codec](out: jio.OutputStream) extends Log[F, A] {
      import Attempt._
      override def log(item: A): F[Unit] =
        implicitly[Codec[A]].encode(item) match {
          case Successful(bv) =>
            Sync[F].delay {
          case Failure(err) =>
            new IllegalStateException(err.messageWithContext).raiseError[F, Unit]

    def fileLog[F[_] : Sync, A : Codec](target: Path): Resource[F, Log[F, A]] =
        .fromAutoCloseable(Sync[F].delay { Files.newOutputStream(target) })
        .map(new FileLog(_))

    implicit def logSyncLog[F[_] : Sync, A : Codec]: Log[ReaderT[F, Log[F, A], *], A] = (item: A) => ReaderT(_.log(item))

    def logFileContent[F[_] : Sync : ContextShift, A : Codec](source: Path)(implicit blocker: Blocker): fs2.Stream[F, A] = {
      val callsDecoder = StreamDecoder.many(implicitly[Codec[A]]).toPipeByte[F][F](source, blocker, 4096).through(callsDecoder)


  object XMLCallLogUtil {

    class XMLBuilder[F[_]]() {
      val evFact: XMLEventFactory = XMLEventFactory.newInstance()

      def txt(value: String): fs2.Stream[F, XMLEvent] =

      def elt(name: String)(nested: fs2.Stream[F, XMLEvent]): fs2.Stream[F, XMLEvent] =
        fs2.Stream(evFact.createStartElement("", "", name)) ++
          nested ++
          fs2.Stream(evFact.createEndElement("", "", name))

    def callToXml[F[_]](call: Call)(implicit bld: XMLBuilder[F]): fs2.Stream[F, XMLEvent] =
      bld.elt("call") {
        bld.elt("time")(bld.txt(call.time.toString)) ++
          bld.elt("input")(bld.txt(call.input)) ++

    def callsToXml[F[_]](calls: fs2.Stream[F, Call])(implicit bld: XMLBuilder[F]): fs2.Stream[F, XMLEvent] =

    // template:
    def writeXml[F[_] : Sync](
        target: Path)(
        events: fs2.Stream[F, XMLEvent])(
        implicit blocker: Blocker, ctxShift: ContextShift[F]
    ): fs2.Stream[F, Unit] = {
      def delay[A, B](f: A => B)(a: A) = blocker.delay(f(a))
      val writer =
      def write(writer: XMLEventWriter): fs2.Stream[F, Unit] = events.evalMap(delay(writer.add))
      writer >>= write

  object AppLogic {

    private def readLine[F[_] : Sync]: F[String] = Sync[F].delay { sio.StdIn.readLine("> ") }

    private def writeLine[F[_] : Sync](s: String): F[Unit] = Sync[F].delay { println(s) }

    // TODO Cannot use kind-projector in context bound?
    // Log[*, Call] complains about missing type param for F, Log[*[_], Call] crashes compiler
    private type CallLog[F[_]] = Log[F, Call]

    private def loggingReverse[F[_] : Sync : CallLog](inp: String): F[String] = {
      val rev = inp.reverse
      for {
        time <- Sync[F].delay { }
        _ <- Log[F, Call].log(Call(time, inp, rev))
      } yield rev

    def runReverse[F[_] : Sync : CallLog]: F[Option[String]] =
      readLine[F] >>= {
        case "" => Option.empty[String].pure[F]
        case inp =>
          for {
            rev <- loggingReverse(inp)
            _ <- writeLine[F](rev)
          } yield Option(rev)

  override def run(args: List[String]): IO[ExitCode] = {
    import AppLogic._
    import Log._
    import XMLCallLogUtil._
    implicit val xmlBld: XMLBuilder[IO] = new XMLBuilder()
    type LogIO[A] = ReaderT[IO, Log[IO, Call], A]
    val logPath = Paths.get("calls.binlog")
    val xmlPath = Paths.get("calls.xml")
    val repl = Monad[LogIO].iterateWhile(runReverse[LogIO])(_.isDefined)
    val dumpXmlLog =
      fs2.Stream.resource(Blocker[IO]) >>= { implicit blocker =>
        logFileContent[IO, Call](logPath)
    val msg =
      s"""|*** FunReverse ***
          |Entering an arbitrary line will print the reverse of the input.
          |Entering an empty line will exit processing.
          |Binary call log is written to ${logPath.toAbsolutePath}""".stripMargin
    IO { println(msg) } >>
      fileLog[IO, Call](logPath).use( >> <*
      IO { println(s"XML call log has been written to ${xmlPath.toAbsolutePath}") }
