Our community playground website https://scastie.scala-lang.org/ surprisingly lacks a few obviously important shortcuts expected in code editors. I’ve noticed two:
commenting/uncommenting selected lines with cmd+/
indenting/unindenting selected lines with tab, shift+tab
These seem like trivial features to implement, and their lack makes experimenting with code snippets in the playgrounds slower and more irritating. I’m surprised no one else has posted about this, though I am certain I can’t be the only one who has noticed.
I probably agree, but as with most things I think it largely comes down to somebody actually taking that idea and doing it.
We’re an open-source world, with a very small number of full-time staff spread across a considerable number of projects, so small improvements like this tend to come from the community if they’re to happen at all.
(At the least, you might want to open Issues in GitHub for these suggestions – posts here will mostly just get lost to time quite quickly.)