Scala Trait doubt

Want to implement trait such that it has variables X and Y and functions add,multiply, division.
And there will be a class variable which will extend the trait and have a constructor taking two variable input and give the result upon call the corresponding function.

Kindly help…

What have you tried so far? Do you have a code sample? It doesn’t have to be a working sample, just something to convey an idea of what you want to do. probably covers what you’re after.

I am trying to fit the trait functionality as mentioned earlier in below code:

trait ArthOps //code to be written for trait
class Variables //code to be written
object TraitExample extends App{
val1 input= arg(0).toInt
val2 input=arg(0).toInt
var variable=new Variables (input1,input)

Meta: you can enclose code samples in triple-backticks to format them properly with syntax highlighting.

Anyway, a few things:

  • ArthOps means ‘arithmetic ops’, right? I would recommend not introducing contractions unless they’re well-known in Scala :slight_smile: also, Ops classes are usually used for extension methods to existing classes. So, maybe go with just trait Arithmetic {...}.
  • It looks like Variables needs to extend Arithmetic
  • val1 input = ... is not valid Scala syntax, you’ll need val input1 = ... and so on
  • You don’t need a var (reassignable variable) here, you can use val variables = new Variables(input1, input2)
  • For methods that don’t take any arguments and just do pure calculations, it’s idiomatic in Scala to give them a nullary parameter list, in other words, don’t use parentheses for the add and subtract methods.
  • In fact I’d recommend not to call them add and subtract as those are verbs which indicate ‘I’m doing something here’; prefer to use nouns that describe the result of the call, e.g. sum and difference.
  • (Edit) the App trait will be deprecated in the future, it’s best to use a normal object and an explicit main method

Good luck!

Hey, Were you able to get the solution for this…Im also looking for this and struck to proceed

App trait is being deprecated?

I spoke too soon, it might not be deprecated :man_facepalming:

But using App is still risky imho, as explained here:

That example on Reddit is not the best, since overriding main of App is deprecated since 2.11.0 and impossible since 2.13.0. But it does indeed cause initialization issues:

scala> abstract class FooPrinter extends App {
     |   val foo = 1
     |   println(foo)
     | }
defined class FooPrinter

scala> object FooPrinterImpl extends FooPrinter {
     |   override val foo = 2
     | }
defined object FooPrinterImpl

scala> FooPrinterImpl.main(Array())

scala> abstract class FooPrinter {
     |   val foo = 1
     |   final def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = println(foo)
     | }
defined class FooPrinter

scala> object FooPrinterImpl extends FooPrinter {
     |   override val foo = 2
     | }
defined object FooPrinterImpl

scala> FooPrinterImpl.main(Array())