Scala Swing - how to react to component resize?

I can’t find any information on how to handle component resize (e.g. Panel) in Scala Swing.
Is there an event I can listen to or a function I can override to get new component size?


(replying again on the web interface, because e-mail system accuses me of sending an “automatically created” mail; could @admins please check this?)

this is one of those cases where scala-swing doesn’t cover all functions
of java-swing. it’s missing a ComponentResized event dispatch.

you can fall back to java.awt.event, though, using peer of the
component you want to track:

import scala.swing._
import java.awt.{event => jae}

new Frame {
  contents = new Button("Hello") {
    peer.addComponentListener(new jae.ComponentAdapter {
      override def componentResized(e: jae.ComponentEvent): Unit =
        println(s"New size: $size")
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Years ago I checked out Scala Swing and gave up on it when I realized that
it did not support all Swing components and had no plans on doing so. Has
this improved since then?

I use Scala-Swing throughout a range of desktop applications, and I would say it’s fairly complete, but yes, occasionally you have to fall back to peer and the Java API, but this is not a big issue IMHO.

I think a few of the components that had been missing are part of Scala Swing now. I created my small addition library which adds those components that are missing - e.g. Spinner, ScrollBar - along with some extension methods for missing API, and a few useful panel-layouts, e.g. GroupPanel. With this combination, I think Scala Swing is perfectly usable, and I would advise against missing out and going directly to the Java API.

best, .h.h.

I have moved from Scala-Swing to ScalaFX for GUI development, and I am quite happy with that.

I’m now so familiar with web development, even if I create a small
experimental prototype and I want a GUI, I add a web interface.

ScalaFX, like Scala Swing, is for stand alone applications and fat clients, so not web development.
IMO the GUI controls look much better and the API is easier, although I think the JavaFX API did a few things wrong.

Actually - looking into the source code, there is an event UIElementResized.

So this would be the correct way to do it:

import scala.swing._

new Frame {
  contents = new Button("Hello") {
    reactions += {
      case event.UIElementResized(_) =>
        println(s"New size: $size")
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Thank you for looking into this. I saw UIElementResized among event types but I added listenTo at the frame level, and that did not work. It’s good to know this is working fine.
Thanks a lot!