Scala Developer Survey, 2019 edition!


How do you use Scala? What are the main pain points of your daily workflow?

We would like to hear from you. Please take a few minutes to fill in the 2019 developer survey, and share it with your co-workers!

The form will remain open until the end of January.


It’s hard to get a meaningful message across in only keywords.

True, but it’s hard to do meaningful analysis on freetext fields. This is a tradeoff in every survey: while respondents like freetext, because it lets them express themselves completely, the results are often useless unless you are willing to put massive effort into hand-examination of the responses.

(I’m not sure what they’re planning here, but I would probably take these keywords and turn them into a tag cloud, which gives at least a comprehensible result without too much effort.)

Indeed, that’s the reason why we couldn’t provide a more detailed analysis of the 2018 survey, and why this year we suggest to use keywords rather than full sentences.

This is true, but it could be worth it. In our internal surveys at work, it takes about 1 hour to go through 100ish free-form responses and tag them, with the advantage that you can always go back from the “tag cloud” to drill into individual responses to get a better flavor of what people’s complaints are about. We end up with 100ish free-form responses for 4ish questions, and getting 4 people sitting around a table for an hour tagging isn’t too much effort.

If we have 1000s of responses it might take a few days to a few weeks of processing. Whether that is OK or not depends on your use case: if it’s the core data that drives your team’s yearly work prioritization process, 2 weeks to process user feedback is nothing. OTOH, not everyone can afford to take days/weeks manually churning through survey results!


We just published the raw results of the survey here:

Thank you all for participating!

We will try to write a small follow-up with a more detailed analysis of the results.


I asked a friend of mine who used to be a CTO for an online surveys company if there are good solutions for handling “open questions” in surveys – potentially something NLP oriented – but alas he said he isn’t familiar with such solutions.

Maybe it’s worth publishing the raw data to allow people to analyze it themselves and publish their insight here.

I agree that it could be useful to publish the raw results as well.

Here they are: