As a Scala newbie I am experimenting with scala-cli and I’m wondering how I can run a main function via its package name (instead via its source code’s file path).
I have a small project with a file structure like this:
├── project.scala
└── src
└── main
└── scala
└── uk
└── co
└── myorg
└── myarea
└── mypack
|── ...
|── MyApp.scala
└── ...
(I need this deep directory nesting because another package will in future access the package as
MyApp.scala consists of a main function
@main def main(): Unit =
I want to run this function by specifying the class, so I tried:
scala-cli run scala-cli run
but I get
[error] input file not found
Even when I make main a “real” class method via
object MyApp:
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
it doesn’t work. The only way is by providing the file path:
scala-cli run src/main/scala/uk/co/myorg/myarea/mypack/MyApp.scala
Is there a way to run the main with scala-cli by specifying the class?
Welcome to the Scala community, @halloleo
Glad it worked out! Scala-cli is awesome, and soon it will be just scala (in 3.5).
When in doubt, use
scala-cli run . --interactive
It will show you the full names of the main methods you can run. I have 45 of them:
❯ scala-cli run . --interactive
Starting compilation server
Compiling project (Scala 3.4.2, Scala Native 0.5.4)
Compiled project (Scala 3.4.2, Scala Native 0.5.4)
Found several main classes. Which would you like to run?
[2] ch07.simpleAsync.simpleAsync
Hey, one thing to note is that JVM doesn’t understand packages as anything other than a namespace (that contain real things such as classes with main methods). So Scala CLI continues this.
So in general it doesn’t make sense to say “run program of this package name”. Unless you are requesting to scan for programs in that package?
So in this case Scala CLI will understand . as the current directory, which it scans for source files, which then after compilation it scans the compilation output for classes with main methods.