Rewriting Errors in Parser

Good morning all,

Could you kindly help me in finding out what possibilities there are in writing more explanatory errors in Scala parser combinators, including also the Positional library please ?

Thanks a lot and good day :slight_smile:

Every parser combinator library should allow you to explicitly inject errors failing the parse with some message at any point.
For example, there is cats-parse, which is designed after trifecta (a Haskell library) which is known to have good parser diagnostic output:

What exactly are you looking for? What do you mean with Positional library?

Good morning,

Thanks for your help, but I managed to solve it.

I needed to write my one error, with the line number and letter number in that line depicted in the error. i.e. Error in line x and column y : Found "a"

Thanks a lot for your help and good day,
Gianluca Zahra