Read from multiple files and merge them in a stream by condition

I have several csv files with next structure

I need to read all of them in a zstream by time condition. (ex. take 10 records from first file, then 5 records from second file, 15 records from third file and so on by round robin system and ordered by time)

Previously I had single file and it was like that:

def fileStream: Stream[Throwable, Result] =
    for {
      res <-
          .mapZIOPar(proxyConf.maxConnections, proxyConf.maxConnections)(emitMessage(_, uriToSendMessages))
    } yield res


def fileSource(file: String): Stream[Throwable, String] =
      .flatMap(f => ZStream.fromIterator(f.getLines().drop(1), 256))

so fileSource gives me my expected stream.
How to rewrite it for multiple files case and merge in a zstream ordered by time?