RasterFrames 0.8.2 Released

RasterFrames provides a DataFrame-centric view over arbitrary Earth-observation (EO) data, enabling spatiotemporal queries, map algebra raster operations, and compatibility with the ecosystem of Apache Spark ML algorithms. It provides APIs in Python, SQL, and Scala, and can scale from a laptop computer to a large distributed cluster, enabling global analysis with satellite imagery in a wholly new, flexible, and convenient way.

Changes in 0.8.2

  • Added ability to pass config options to convenience PySpark session constructor.
  • Bumped Spark dependency to version 2.3.4.
  • Fixed handling of aggregate extent and image size on GeoTIFF writing.
  • Fixed issue with RasterSourceDataSource swallowing exceptions.
  • Fixed SparkML memory pressure issue caused by unnecessary reevaluation, overallocation, and primitive boxing.
  • Fixed Parquet serialization issue with RasterRefs
  • Fixed TileExploder, rf_agg_local_mean and TileColumnSupport to support proj_raster struct.
  • Various documentation improvements.
  • Breaking (potentially): Synchronized parameter naming in Python and Scala for spark.read.raster

Full release notes are available here: https://rasterframes.io/release-notes.html

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