Question for a huffman tree

Hello everyone,
I would like to ask you a question, let’s imagine that we have a huffman tree below:huffman
we want to make a recursive scala function that wants to give us the number of bits to have a letter for example to have the letter ‘A’ with the tree of huffman it is necessary to have “1 0 0” for the letter ‘o’ it is necessary ‘1 1 1 1’ and the letter ‘h’ “1 1 1 0” and so on and we would like to make that in scala, we have already programmed a little but there are errors:

def encodeSymbol(c: Char, h: Huffman): Option[List[Bit]] = {
    (h,c) match {
      case (Feuille(x,y),c) => Some(Nil)
      case (Noeud(x,y,z),c) => 
sealed trait Huffman
case class Feuille(freq: Double, c: Char) extends Huffman
case class Noeud(freq: Double, zero: Huffman, one: Huffman) extends Huffman

sealed trait Bit
case object Zero extends Bit
case object One extends Bit

Could you be specific about your errors?

One error I see is that since encodeSymbol(c, y) is not a List[Bit] but an Option[List[Bit]], you should have encodeSymbol(c, y).map(One :: _ ) in place of One :: encodeSymbol(c, y). The else case also needs the same correction.

Also encodeSymbol(c,y).contains(c) is probably not what you mean - it will check whether the option is non-empty and equals c (when you presumably mean the option is Some(l) and l contains c.


To follow up on the logic of the if condition as I mentioned above, here is an example (from an ammonite REPL).

@ Some(List(1, 2)).contains(1) 
res0: Boolean = false

@ Some(List(1, 2)).exists(_.contains(1)) 
res1: Boolean = true


Unrelated to your concrete question… For Huffman coding, once you have created the tree, you’d usually create a dictionary from chars to bit sequences once and then use this for encoding. (For decoding, you’d traverse the tree itself.)

I.e. you’d have something like

type HuffDict = Map[Char, List[Bit]]

def mkHuffDict(tree: Huffman): HuffDict = ???

def encodeSymbol(c: Char, dict: HuffDict): Option[List[Bit]] =

Another thing: The frequencies are only required for creating the tree. Once you have the tree, they’re pretty much meaningless, so I’d consider excluding them from the tree nodes.

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First of all, thank you for your answer! The error I have is that I can’t return “One :: encodeSymbol(c,y)” and I don’t know how to do it

And it’s first time I see “.map”, what is its purpose and how does it work?

An option is a collection with at most one element, and map transforms each element of the collection. Here are a couple of examples with the collections of type Option[Int] and List[Int] which may make things clearer (otherwise perhaps you should look at a book or basic documentations). In the case of option, the unique element is transformed for the case where the option is non-empty, and an empty option gives an empty option.

@ val xOpt : Option[Int] = Some(2) 
xOpt: Option[Int] = Some(2)

@ val yOpt : Option[Int] = None 
yOpt: Option[Int] = None

@ * 3) 
res4: Option[Int] = Some(6)

@ * 3) 
res5: Option[Int] = None

@ List(1, 3, 5).map(_ * 3) 
res6: List[Int] = List(3, 9, 15)


Oh right, it’s clearer now, thanks! But when I make the changes, it always returns “Some(List(Zero, Zero))” even though the character is not present in the tree, do you have a solution?

It would help if you post your whole code. As I see it, the above should be replaced by something like

if (encodeSymbol(c,z).exists(_.contains(c))){
           encodeSymbol(c,z).map(One :: _)}
else if (encodeSymbol(c,y).exists(_.contains(c)))
 {encodeSymbol(c,y).map(Zero :: _)}
else None

There are also other ways to do this, perhaps more idiomatic.


Hi all,

I don’t think this is appropriate to post the entire code.

This question is related to a graded programming exercise as part of an end-of-year project, and Wade, as a student, should rather ask his questions to his teachers, so that we can provide appropriate guidance without solving his problem entirely.

Thank you for your understanding.

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