Protecting a lazy value only from inside the class

Maybe someone has some clever way for me to do the following.

package MyLib
class Foo {
  lazy val dontTouchInside : Int = ???

Foo is library class that I’m exposing to users from which they can inherit.
The dontTouchInside lazy value must only be accessed post-construction of Foo or internally with [MyLib] privileges.

Is there some way I can enforce with the compiler’s help that new Foo{}.dontTouchInside works, but new Foo { dontTouchInside} fails?

A side note: the above would not be needed if Scala had some kind of onCreate capability.

The best I can come up with is:

package MyLib
class Foo {
  private[MyLib] lazy val dontTouchInside_ : Int = ???
  @inline def dontTouchInside : Int = dontTouchInside_

Is this equivalent?

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Can’t think of a way to enforce this as stated, but could you move dontTouchInside to a helper class?

package MyLib

class Foo {

** private[MyLib] def initDontTouchInsideFoo(helper: FooHelper): Int = ???**


class FooHelper(private val foo: Foo) {

** lazy val dontTouchInsideFoo: Int = foo.initDontTouchInsideFoo(this)**


Now you have to first construct Foo and then start constructing FooHelper to access dontTouchInsideFoo

I don’t see what this would accomplish vs having only the public lazy val?

Yes, you are right. Momentary relapse of scala-judgement :slightly_frowning_face:

Interesting, but not good for my use-case.

I found a workaround for my issue.
Library code

package MyLib
trait Post
@scala.annotation.implicitAmbiguous("This definition may be called only post-construction")
implicit object GeneralPost extends Post

class Foo {
  implicit object ForceAmbiguity extends Post
  private lazy val _postConstruction = {
    //Something to be used once at Post-Construction

  def postConstruction(implicit post : Post) : Int = _postConstruction

User code

new Foo {}.postConstruction //compiles
new Foo {postConstruction} //Error: This definition may be called only post-construction

So all public members that must be called post-construction must have a Post implicit (so the implicit also helps to document the constraint for the member).

Thank you all for your help.


The implementation above did not allow multiple definitions with the implicit Post calling one another. Here is a fixed implementation that still uses ambiguity slightly differently with the help of shapeless’s LowPriority:

Generic solution

trait PostConstruction
object PostConstruction {
  implicit def ev(implicit lp : shapeless.LowPriority) : PostConstruction = new PostConstruction {}

trait HasPostConstructionOnlyMembers {
  @scala.annotation.implicitAmbiguous("This is a post-construction definition only!")
  final protected implicit def __PostConstruction1(implicit lp : shapeless.LowPriority) : PostConstruction = new PostConstruction {}
  final protected implicit def __PostConstruction2(implicit lp : shapeless.LowPriority) : PostConstruction = new PostConstruction {}


class DSLClass extends HasPostConstructionOnlyMembers  {
  private lazy val runOncePostConstruction : Int = 0 //Do something here
  protected def post1(implicit p : PostConstruction) : Int = runOncePostConstruction 
  def post2(implicit p : PostConstruction) : Int = post1

User code

new DSLClass{}.post2 //compiles
new DSLClass{post1} //error: This is a post-construction definition only!
new DSLClass{post2} //error: This is a post-construction definition only!