I try to develop a web application with Scala and Spring Boot.
When I define an entity class like this
class Term{
var id:Int=_
var startDate:Long=_
var endDate:Long=_
always report error : illegal start of simple expression at @Index.
I use STS, but the error reported too when compiled with mvn.
I can not find any answer, it’s really depressing.
import scala.beans.BeanProperty
@Entity @Table(name = "t_term", indexes = Array(new Index(columnList = "startDate"))) class Term
{ @Id @BeanProperty var id
: Int = _ @BeanProperty var startDate
: Long = _ @BeanProperty var endDate: Long = _ }
BTW: Skip the @BeanProperty annotations, not necessary (unless you have to interacti with Java-frameworks which require this…)