Overload not found when using Java library with float[]: how to circumvent?

I have the following code:

    val X: Array[Float] = x.toFloatArray()
    val Y = y.toFloatArray()

    val data = Table.create("Data").addColumns(
        FloatColumn.create("X", X),
        FloatColumn.create("relu(x)", Y)

which results in:

[error] -- [E134] Type Mismatch Error: /home/hmf/VSCodeProjects/pdm_toyadmos/dcase2020/src/examples/djl/Chap4MLP.scala:46:20 
[error] 46 |        FloatColumn.create("X", X),
[error]    |        ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
[error]    |None of the overloaded alternatives of method create in object FloatColumn with types
[error]    | (x$0: String, x$1: java.util.stream.Stream[Float]): 
[error]    |  tech.tablesaw.api.FloatColumn
[error]    | (x$0: String, x$1: Array[Float]): tech.tablesaw.api.FloatColumn
[error]    | (x$0: String, x$1: Int): tech.tablesaw.api.FloatColumn
[error]    | (x$0: String, x$1: Float*): tech.tablesaw.api.FloatColumn
[error]    | (x$0: String): tech.tablesaw.api.FloatColumn
[error]    |match arguments (("X" : String), (X : Array[Float]))

But the first option seems to match perfectly. Any way I can force this?



First of all, it would be good to mention from where do those functions came from.
Second, are you sure the error is real (meaning it was produced by a real compiler) or it is just in your IDE; if you are sure it is real then adding the compiler version, as well as the libraries and their versions, would help in reproduce and fix the problem.

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@BalmungSan Thanks for taking the time to look at this.

In regards to the functions, these are Java libraries. But I can simply further just using:

    val cx: FloatColumn = FloatColumn.create("X", Array(1.0f, 2.0f))

which produces the same error. The FloatColumn.create is a call to the tablesaw Java library.

As for the compiler: I am using Mill to continuously compile in Dotty (3.0.0-M3). So the error is real.

I may be wrong but this seems like a generic interop issue. I was hoping someone already had such an issue and new the fix.

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Uhm that is weird, it feels like a bug but then it has something to do with Java interop since I tried to reproduce it, but it worked as expected.

Hope someone with more knowledge on Dotty can help.
I would suggest also asking in the gitter channel and maybe also in SO.

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I noticed something weird with these 2 methods:

(x$0: String, x$1: Array[Float]): tech.tablesaw.api.FloatColumn
(x$0: String, x$1: Float*): tech.tablesaw.api.FloatColumn

If that comes from java then those methods should erase to exactly the same thing. Which makes me wonder how that bytecode is generated and accepted.

So I looked for the corresponding Java code and found this:

public static FloatColumn create(String name, Float[] arr)

So that’s an Array[java.lang.Float], not an array of primitive floats.

I guess you have to either convert to an Array[java.lang.Float] or call the varargs method with create("X", X :_*). I would expect the second one to be faster.


Thanks to @Jasper-M findings I am able to reproduce and fix the error: https://scastie.scala-lang.org/BalmungSan/XYNKJahKR2WGX4SoyerXCA/5

(But being honest, what is even the point of an array of boxed floats? “Oh well, whatever, nevermind”)

@Jasper-M and @BalmungSan thank you.

I can report this as an issue to the Tablesaw developers and find out why they use a boxed float. Maybe its needed to match on columns of different types?

I do have one more question though for @Jasper-M: why is the varargs call faster? That’s a conversion to a sequence, correct?


Not really in this case, since it is a vargars from Java which is a plain array, so it would just pass the variable as it is (I believe).

Jasper says it is faster because that, it won’t create a new array like my map approach and box each float. However, if the underlying algorithm boxes them in a new array then both are the same at the end :stuck_out_tongue: - in any case, for small arrays you shouldn’t notice any difference, and for bigger ones then benchmarking in the only valid answer.

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Ok. Thanks.