Newbie question about Finch Enpoints


I am using Finch (finchx-*) and all is fine, but I have encountered some strange(for me) situation.

This code works well:

val fetch: Endpoint[IO, Seq[Agent]] = get("path") {
  fetchAll[Agent] match {
    case Left(error) => checkError(error)
    case Right(data) => Ok(data)
} handle {
  case e: Exception => BadRequest(e)

But this one not:

def fetch[T : ClassTag](path: String): Endpoint[IO, Seq[T]] = get(path) {
    fetchAll[T] match {
      case Left(error) => checkError(error)
      case Right(data) => Ok(data)
  } handle {
    case e: Exception => BadRequest(e)

With error:

[error] /home/laniakea/projects/bridgeight/src/main/scala/com/bridgeight/Api.scala:36:69: type mismatch;
[error]  found   : String
[error]  required: io.finch.Endpoint[cats.effect.IO,?]
[error]   def fetch[T : ClassTag](path: String): Endpoint[IO, Seq[T]] = get(path) {

In both cases IDEA said nothing. I understand that there is something with implicit conversion from String to Endpoint[F, A], but why it works in first case, but not in the second?


import cats.effect.{ContextShift, IO}
import com.bridgeight.entities.models.Location
import com.bridgeight.entities.models.classifiers.Agent
import com.twitter.finagle.Service
import com.twitter.finagle.http.{Request, Response}
import io.finch._
import io.finch.circe._

import scala.reflect.ClassTag

Thank you.