Kinetic Merge 1.3.0

A new release of Kinetic Merge - version 1.3.0.

What’s new is that it has some experimental support for resolving intra-file code motion with inter-file code motion when merging. This holds even if, say, the original file with the code motion is split into two halves, one file for each half on one branch, but the moving code jumps from one half of the original file to the other half, ie. across the file split on the other branch.

The release is here: Release Release 1.3.0 · sageserpent-open/kineticMerge · GitHub

Installation: GitHub - sageserpent-open/kineticMerge: Merge a heavily refactored codebase and stay sane.

Goals: GitHub - sageserpent-open/kineticMerge: Merge a heavily refactored codebase and stay sane.

Instructions for feedback: Dogfood Testing. · Issue #21 · sageserpent-open/kineticMerge · GitHub

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