Iterate through an RDD of "iterable", and populate Vector

Hi to all community,
This is my first post, and I need a little help, in a scala programming task, that is not so trivial (at least for me).

I’m using scala in ver 2.10, under a Spark 3.0.0-preview2 versions.

Imported from a mysql DB, my datas are of this type:


Then, with a mapping process, those datas get reformatted in a Tuple2<Key,Value> of this type:


Where, every single record is of the type:

org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, (Int, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int, String, String))]

Then, I need to group all the keys, and wrote a “groupByKey” procedure:

val SA = Simboli.groupByKey

Resulting in a variable:

org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD[(String, Iterable[(Int, Double, Double, Double, Double, Int, String, String)])]

My question is now: Can I create a new variable of type “Vector”, or “Sequence”, inserting every single record of this strange type, in the vector list?

For example, a vector where every single item is a new:

RDD[(String, Iterable[(Int,   .....

The only way I found is to transform this kind of variable in this way:

  1. take only the first “group”
val SAG : Array[(String, Iterable[(Int, Double, 
                                   Double, Double, 
                                   Double, Int, 
                                   String, String)])] = SA.take(1);

Extract the “Iterable” part:

val SAGITB : Array[Iterable[(Int, Double, 
                             Double, Double, 
                             Double, Int, 
                             String, String)]] = => item._2);

Convert “Iterable” in “Iterator”:

val SAGITT : Array[Iterator[(Int, Double, 
                             Double, Double, 
                             Double, Int, 
                             String, String)]] = => item.iterator);

Extract values:

val SARDD : Array[(Int, Double, 
                   Double, Double, 
                   Double, Int, 
                   String, String)] = =>;

Finally, I’m trying to populate a Vector, or Sequence, with every single item, insiede a for loop, but I can’t. This is my last attempt:

val SV3 : Vector[Array[(Int, Double, Double, 
                        Double, Double, Int, 
                        String, String)]] = Vector.empty; 

for (it <- 0 to 20){

  println("Riga numero: " + it);

  SV3 :+ =>;


Finally my question is: How can I populate a Vector, or Sequence, with datas of type “iterable”, or “iterator” or, otherways, How can I extract all datas from an RDD of Iterables, convert and populate with these datas a simple Vector?

Thank you so much !!

I wouldn’t suggest this for anything but the most trivial of examples, but calling the ‘collect’ function on a Spark RDD will materialize the entire RDD in the Spark driver, and allow you to access it as a single collection.

You can’t with an “Iterable” data type.