Issue with sbt packSettings #sbt-libraries

error: object Pack is not a member of package xerial.sbt (import xerail.sbt.Pack.packSettings)
error: not found: value packAutoSettings,
error: not found: value packSettings packSettings ++Seq(,
error: not found: value publishPackArchives ) ++ publishPackArchives

I am working on scala sbt upgradation project from (Jdk 1.8, scala 2.11.12, sbt 0.13.16) to (Jdk 1.8, scala 2.12.17 and sbt 1.3.0) and plugins.sbt file updated from addSbtPlugin(“org.xerial.sbt”%“sbt-pack”%“0.7.4”) to addSbtPlugin(“org.xerial.sbt”%“sbt-pack”%“0.20”)

One of the suggested solution from stackoverflow is to use plugins.sbt file in Project/project/plugins.sbt instead of Project/plugins.sbt didn’t work.