I need to download data from a service that gives data under page-cursor pattern:
def download(nextPageCursor: Option[String], result: Future[Seq[T]]): Future[Seq[T]] =
val responseFut: Future[(String, Seq[T])] = restApiCall(nextPageCursor)
responseFut.flatMap { (nextPageCursorNew, data) =>
val resultNew = result ++ data
if nextPageCursorNew.isEmpty then resultNew
else download(Some(nextPageCursorNew), resultNew)
val allData = download(None, Future.successful(Seq.empty))
This doesn’t work since download is not in tailrec position. How to make it?
I found trampoline pattern. Is that the idiomatic way? But I find it verbose. Is there a library (e.g. cats probably) with implemented abstractions for the pattern?
Huh – I wonder if that changed somewhere along the line. I would swear I had to implement a crude trampolining in Querki, many years ago in 2.11, in order to deal with stack overflows in some of my Future-based code there.
To the original question: yes, Cats exposes a Trampoline abstraction. I can’t say I’ve ever used it directly – in the Typelevel world, you tend to use IO for this sort of thing, and that’s stack-safe – but in theory it’s the tool you’re asking for. But it sounds like it’s probably unnecessary in this case.
More generally, it’s worth keeping in mind that modern data structures like these are often reasonably stack-smart, so it tends to be a non-issue, especially for async functions.