How to supress error to show only actual error

I’m running a simple hello world program in scala and using sublime 3 to build and run it. but i’m getting all kind of machine codes in error if i do simple mistakes like spelling mistake when calling variable like below. please help how to get only error . its so difficult to find error in this long machine codes

e[31me[31m-- [E006] Not Found Error: C:\Indexed\Sublime notes\Scala Codes\reverse.scala:7:50 e[0me[0m
e[31m7 |e[0m e[33mvare[0m e[36mresulte[0m = e[33mfore[0m (i ← str.length-e[31m1e[0m to e[31m0e[0m) e[33myielde[0m s(i)
e[31me[31m |e[0m ^e[0m
e[31m |e[0m Not found: s
e[31m |e[0m
e[31m |e[0m longer explanation available when compiling with -explain
1 error found
Error: Errors encountered during compilation
[Finished in 3.5s]

Those are ANSI color codes. Add -color:never to your compiler flags.

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Thank you so much… perfectly resolved my problem. Thank you 100 times.

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Also asked at sublimetext3 - how to suppress warning in scala build error - Stack Overflow

(I don’t mean to scold, but you should know that it’s polite to cross-link when asking the same question in multiple places on the internet, so someone doesn’t waste their time helping you when you already got helped in the other place.)

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That is true. my mistake. I will make note of this not do this in future.

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