How to prove type is a Singleton in match type?

I have this perfectly working match type along with its function:

    type Find[Columns <: Tuple, Label] =
      Columns match
        case TypedColumn[Label] *: ? => TypedColumn[Label]
        case TypedColumn[?] *: t => Find[t, Label]

    inline def findT[C <: Tuple, Label <: Singleton]: Find[C, Label] =
      erasedValue[C] match
        case _: (TypedColumn[Label] *: ?) =>
          TypedColumn[Label](constValue[Label], None)
        case _: (TypedColumn[?] *: tail) =>
          findT[tail, Label]

Which basically exists to reify an object from a homogeneous tuple. The type itself has signature like TypedColumn[L <: Singleton](smth: Option[Something]) (the type has many compile-time labels, but I’m omitting them for sake of brevity) and this function works fine, but when I try to implement the same for multiple labels:

    // Match type is fine
    type Pick[Columns <: NonEmptyTuple, Labels <: Tuple] <: Tuple =
      Labels match
        case l *: t => Find[Columns, l] *: Pick[Columns, t]

    // I can't prove that my `h` is a Singleton
    inline def pickT[C <: NonEmptyTuple, Labels <: Tuple]: Pick[C, Labels] =
      erasedValue[Labels] match
        case _: (h *: t) =>
          findT[C, h] *: pickT[C, t]

Tried to create ad-hoc type classes with Out singleton, IsConst type, Mirror.Singleton etc, but all of them break the function.

The end-goal would be to have something like:

type In = (TypedColumn["one"], TypedColumn["two"], TypedColumn["three"])
pickT[In, ("two", "one")]

// evaluating to runtime value of:
(TypedColumn(None), TypedColumn(None)): (TypedColumn["two"], TypedColumn["one"])

The error is:

[error] 233 |          findT[C, h] *: pickT[C, t]
[error]     |                   ^
[error]     |             Type argument h does not conform to upper bound Singleton

Here is the complete working example:

import compiletime.{erasedValue, constValue}

case class TypedColumn[Label <: Singleton](label: Label)

type IsSingleton[T <: Singleton] = T

type Find[Columns <: Tuple, Label] =
  Columns match
    case TypedColumn[Label] *: t => TypedColumn[Label]
    case h *: t => Find[t, Label]

inline def findT[C <: Tuple, Label <: Singleton]: Find[C, Label] =
  inline erasedValue[C] match
    case _: (TypedColumn[Label] *: t) =>
    case _: (h *: t) =>
      findT[t, Label]

type Pick[Columns <: NonEmptyTuple, Labels <: Tuple] <: Tuple =
  Labels match
    case IsSingleton[l] *: t => Find[Columns, l] *: Pick[Columns, t]
    case EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple

inline def pickT[C <: NonEmptyTuple, Labels <: Tuple]: Pick[C, Labels] =
  inline erasedValue[Labels] match
    case _: (IsSingleton[h] *: t) =>
      findT[C, h] *: pickT[C, t]
    case _: EmptyTuple => EmptyTuple

type In = (TypedColumn["one"], TypedColumn["two"], TypedColumn["three"])
pickT[In, ("two", "one")]

I made a few changes:

  1. there is a trick where you can use a type alias to constrain a type variable - see IsSingleton
  2. use inline match
  3. add EmptyTuple base cases to matches

That’s an awesome trick! Thank you so much, @bishabosha!

N.B. I tried to go against your advice of using inline match and got a fairly misleading error:

scala> pickT[res0.Row#TypedColumns, ("bar", "quiz")]
-- Error: ----------------------------------------------------------------------
  1 |pickT[res0.Row#TypedColumns, ("bar", "quiz")]
    |not a constant type: h; cannot take constValue
    |Inline stack trace
    |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    |This location contains code that was inlined from Action.scala:229
229 |          TypedColumn[Label, a, t, c](constValue[Label], None, summonInline[Primitive[a]])
    |                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    |This location contains code that was inlined from Action.scala:229
236 |        case _: (IsSingleton[h] *: t) => findT[C, h] *: pickT[C, t]
    |                                         ^^^^^^^^^^^

If you didn’t mention that explicitly - I would spent few more hours on figuring this out.

Is it the case, that we always need to use inline match in match type functions?

you only need an inline match if you are using the compiletime operations

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