How to configure Scala-native Run config for IDEA

Now I have try to use Scala-native for use, but can not correctly config the scala-native IDEA for push the Run button to run the scala-native application with C extern or with C header file in llvm env. but in Idea sbt console ,I could get the correct result .I have create the topic ,but no one answer me. need help
the origin issue how to config scala-native for idea · Issue #4219 · scala-native/scala-native · GitHub

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everyone could use this repo for try sn with C file

There were answers two both of the raised issue. I guess for some reason you received no notifications about these after being converted to discussions:

All IDE’s for JVM languages assume that you’re using JVM by default or lack proper integrations that might be not trivial for them.
To build both Scala.JS and Scala Native into .js or native binary you need to their toolchain to process and compile the their IR into final output. IDE’s are not aware of that or might not be able to access these, eg. would need to execute nativeLink sbt task to build SN binary.

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