How to cast ContextFunction to Ordinary function?

Is there any way to cast ContextFunction1 to Function1 without creating new lambda?

//fastparser has an API that can be simplified to this one:
def parse[T](parser: A => P) = ???

//I want to write my own on top of it that will look like this
def myParse[T](parser: A ?=> P) = parse[T](parser)

//but of course it doesn't compile 
//due to mismatched function types so I need to rewrite it like this
def myParse[T](parser: A ?=> P) = parse[T](s => parser(using s))
//unfortunately it forces me to create another lambda
//(not sure if another instance in memory is created)

//acording to spec:
//Context function types erase to normal function types
//but for some reason I cannot cast one to another
def myParse[T](parser: A ?=> P) = parse[T](parser.asInstanceOf[A => P])
//                                              ^ 
//No given instance of type A was found for parameter of (A) ?=> P

my question is: Is there any way to cast or directly pass ContextFunction1 to parse method?