How do prediction to next month with spark ml?

i have create sample data continue:
|cust_ID| month1 | month2 | month3 | total_bal |
| 450590| 0.0| 4.0| 0.0| 4|
| 472312| 6.0| 0.0| 3.0| 15|
| 001551| 54.0| 52.0| 27.0| 187|
| 127618| 0.0| 2.0| 0.0| 2|
| 599519| 0.0| 2.0| 0.0| 2|
| 146064| 0.0| 4.0| 0.0| 4|
| 467891| 3.0| 4.0| 0.0| 10|
| 007003| 0.0| 2.0| 2.0| 4|
| 397361| 0.0| 6.0| 1.0| 7|
| 150539| 9.0| 22.0| 33.0| 73|
I want to know how likely it is that the customer will return to the store next month?