Creating a lazy list that ends

I am trying to create a lazy list which ends on a certain condition. I have come up with the following code.

def fetch: Either[MyError, Seq[MyData]] = ???
val lazyData: LazyList[Either[MyError, Seq[MyData]]] = fetch #:: {
            if(!isSeenAllData(dataTracker)) lazyData
            else Nil
lazyData.filter(_.fold(fa = {_ => true}, fb =  _.nonEmpty))
  • It fails with a compilation error value #:: is not a member of (lazyData : ....
  • Is this code even the correct way of building a lazy list which ends on a certain condition?

Nil is an empty List. For an empty LazyList you could go with LazyList.empty. Or you can probably rewrite this as

val lazyData = LazyList.continually(fetch).takeWhile(_ => !isSeenAllData(dataTracker))

Using LazyList.empty gives the error

lazyData is a forward reference extending over the definition of lazyData

Errr… I’m not really a fan nor expert of these recursive Stream/LazyList values, but I’m going to guess that lazyData has to be a lazy val if it’s recursive.

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yeah you are right. But this document does it without the lazy keyword -

Local vals cannot reference themselves, but instance (class/object level) vals can. For some reason.

Anyway, I suspect your solution does not do what you expect it will do. I suspect it will just be an infinite sequence of the first value that got fetched. It’s why I prefer not to write recursive LazyLists to begin with :sweat_smile: It’s a fun academic exercise to write something (like a fibonacci sequence) as a recursive LazyList but in “real” code you’re more likely to just shoot yourself in the foot while you could have saved yourself a lot of time by using one of the helper methods.


Using LazyList this way looks suspicious. What if you call size()? Your use case sounds like one for an Iterator.

actually, it does what is expected of it:) It does not create an infinite sequence of the first value

@Jasper-M actually, you are right! It does go on an infinite loop (I thought I tried it out and it worked).

That is strange because when I try it on some dummy code of the same shape, I do get an infinite sequence of 1 repeating value.

oh, is your fetch a val or a def?

It’s math.random() :sweat_smile:

The reason that I cannot use the continually helper method is because the fetch function does a side effect (marks the fetched data as seen) and the takeWhile function (checks if all data has been seen) will not allow the last element to pass through.

class Fetcher() {
    type MyData = Int
    private var called = 0
    def isSeenAllData = called > 5
    def fetch: Either[Exception, Seq[MyData]] =
      if (isSeenAllData) Left(new Exception("too many calls!"))
      else {
        called += 1
        Right(Seq(1 to called: _*))
>> defined class Fetcher

val lazyList = LazyList.unfold(new Fetcher()) { f => if (f.isSeenAllData) None else Some((f.fetch, f)) }
>> lazyList: LazyList[Either[Exception, Seq[Int]]] = LazyList(Right(List(1)), Right(List(1, 2)), Right(List(1, 2, 3)), Right(List(1, 2, 3, 4)), Right(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), Right(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)))

To make sure the list is actually lazy

class LazyCheck(fetcher: Fetcher) {
    val lazyList = LazyList.unfold(fetcher) { f => if (f.isSeenAllData) None else Some((f.fetch, f)) }
defined class LazyCheck

@ val f = new Fetcher
f: Fetcher = ammonite.$sess.cmd5$Fetcher@4b9b5da5

@ f.isSeenAllData
res9: Boolean = false

@ val check = new LazyCheck(f)
check: LazyCheck = ammonite.$sess.cmd7$LazyCheck@c19bb2a

@ f.isSeenAllData
res11: Boolean = false

@ check.lazyList.headOption
res12: Option[Either[Exception, Seq[Int]]] = Some(Right(List(1)))

@ f.isSeenAllData
res13: Boolean = false

@ check.lazyList
res14: LazyList[Either[Exception, Seq[Int]]] = LazyList(Right(List(1)), Right(List(1, 2)), Right(List(1, 2, 3)), Right(List(1, 2, 3, 4)), Right(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5)), Right(List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)))

@ f.isSeenAllData
res15: Boolean = true
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code snippet? did you mean something like Iterator.continually(fetch)

LazyList.unfold should work well. It lets you stop generating elements at any moment.


okie, will try it a shot:)