Collect extracted value to form a namespace list

I extract some information out of xsd using DFS. Now I want to collect those information and form a namespace list. For instance, the original tree may look like

    2        3            4
5     6       7       8    9    10     

1 contains [2, 3, 4]
2 contains [5, 6]
3 contains 7
4 contains [8, 9 10]

Extracted sequence looks like

+  2 
   + -> 5 
   + -> 6
+  3
   + -> 7 
+  4 
   + -> 8
   + -> 9
   + -> 10   

Now I want to collect these sequences to form a list with the format like


What I can think of is to use TrieMap or trie data structure to insert and then flatten to create such list. But I don’t find a good example that tell how to use that. The only thing so far I find is

scala.collection.concurrent.TrieMap Scala Example

But it’s not highly related. And it’s still not clear how can I apply that to my problem.

Is this the right direction to go? Any advises on this? Much appreciated any commentaries.


Eventually this is done using DFS traversing each node, and a collector collects prefix when each node is visited.

val collector = Map()

def dfs(graph) {
    val child = ..get child()
    // operation that adds node to collector 


dfs(<xsd graph>)