Chunked response in http akka

  def sbuRoute: Route = path("si" / "telocmdm" / "locationservices" / "location" / Segment / Segment / "businessunits" / IntNumber) { (country, businessUnit, store) =>
get {
  extractRequest { req =>
    log.debug(s"received sbu request, ${req.method} ${req.uri} ${country} ${businessUnit} ${store}  ${req.headers} ") => log.debug(
    val hdrs = req.headers.filter(header => (header.isNot("timeout-access") && header.isNot("host"))) => log.debug(
    val sbuUri = s"${sbuHost}/si/telocmdm/locationservices/location/${country}/${businessUnit}/businessunits/${storeMap.getOrElse(store, store).toString}"
    val responseFuture = http
      .singleRequest(request = HttpRequest(uri = Uri(sbuUri).withRawQueryString(req.uri.rawQueryString.getOrElse("")), headers = hdrs), connectionContext = httpsCtx)
      .flatMap(response => response.entity.dataBytes.runReduce(_ ++ _))

    onComplete(responseFuture) {
      case Success(resp) => complete {
        val st = resp.decodeString(StandardCharsets.UTF_8).replace("5585", store.toString)
        log.debug("response is " + st)
        HttpEntity(ContentTypes.`application/json`, st)
      case Failure(ex) => complete {
        log.error(ex, ex.getMessage)
        (StatusCodes.InternalServerError, s"An error occurred: ${ex.getMessage}")

Hi Team, Can you please help me how to transfer the response with chunked response “Transfer-Encoding:Chunked” ? The above code works fine in terminal with curl command but not working in postman. Further checking that the HttpEntity is not returning the response properly.