Can we infer a Singleton from a macro that returns a string?

Assume I have the following code:

trait Column[T,U <: Units]
case class Ints[U <: Units]() extends Column[Int, U]
case class Floats[U <: Units]() extends Column[Float, U]
case class Strings[U <: Units]() extends Column[String, U]

object Columns:
  transparent inline def make0[N<:String with Singleton,T,U <: Units]: (N,Any) = 
    // val name: N = summon[sourcecode.Name].value
    val name = summon[sourcecode.Name].value
    inline erasedValue[T] match
      case _: Int     => (name, Ints[U]())
      case _: String  => (name, Strings[U]())
      case _          => error("Column type not accepted: " + codeOf(erasedValue[T]))

  transparent inline def make[N<:String with Singleton,T,U <: Units]: (N,Any) = 
    inline erasedValue[T] match
      case _: Int     => (constValue[N], Ints[U]())
      case _: String  => (constValue[N], Strings[U]())
      case _          => error("Column type not accepted: " + codeOf(erasedValue[T]))

  transparent inline def make[N<:String with Singleton,T]: (N,Any) = 

end Columns

The following code works:

    val name: ("name", Strings[one]) = Columns.make["name",String,one]
    val age: ("age", Ints[one]) = Columns.make["age", Int]

Note that adding the first type parameter results in a Singleton. I would like to avoid the user having to explicitly name the column by extracting that name via a macro.

EDIT: correction to refer to make0.

I have tried to use the sourcecode library to extract the name in match0. I have 2 issues here. First, code of the function make0 does not compile because the summons returns a String that is not a singleton. The second is that to have the singleton visible, I need to infer N. I think the latter can be circumvented with named type arguments.

Does anyone know how to do this without using a full blown macro.