Base 6 conversion as fold?

I have a suspicion that I can more elegantly express the function longToCube as some type of fold operation. I’m basically dividing and moding by 6, 24 times. Each time I perform the mod 6, I use that to grab a character by index out of the array cubeColors. My function accumulates these into a list by successive consing, using tail call, and finally reverses the list and calls mkString

I’d appreciate suggestions.

  type Cube = String

  val cubeColors = Array('W', 'G', 'Y', 'B', 'O', 'R')

  def cubeToLong(cube:Cube):Long = {
    // convert from string to base 6
    cube.foldLeft(0L)((acc:Long,ch:Char)=>(acc * 6 + cubeColors.indexOf(ch)))

  def longToCube(n:Long):Cube = {
    def recur(residue:Long,digit:Int, acc:List[Char]):Cube = {
      if ( digit == 0)
      else {
        recur(residue / 6, digit - 1, cubeColors((residue % 6).toInt)::acc)
    recur(n, 24, List())

Folds are done on collections, so you would need to create an artifical collection beforehand. Is it worth it?

In your case you can have succint code without folds:

  type Cube = String

  val cubeColors = Array('W', 'G', 'Y', 'B', 'O', 'R')

  val colorToDigit: Array[Char] = {
    Array.tabulate[Char](128) { digitAscii =>
      (cubeColors.indexOf(digitAscii.toChar) + '0').toChar

  val pad: String = "0" * 24

  def cubeToLong(cube: Cube): Long =
    java.lang.Long.parseLong( => colorToDigit(color)), 6)

  def longToCube(n: Long): Cube = {
    val digits = (pad + java.lang.Long.toString(n, 6)).takeRight(24) => cubeColors(digit - '0'))

or in more object oriented form:

  class Cube(val raw: Long) extends AnyVal {
    def toDigits: String =
      (Cube.pad + java.lang.Long.toString(raw, 6)).takeRight(24)

    def toColors: String = => Cube.cubeColors(digit - '0'))

    override def toString: String =

  object Cube {
    val cubeColors = Array('W', 'G', 'Y', 'B', 'O', 'R')

    val colorToDigit: Array[Char] = {
      Array.tabulate[Char](128) { digitAscii =>
        (cubeColors.indexOf(digitAscii.toChar) + '0').toChar

    val pad: String = "0" * 24

    def fromColors(colors: String): Cube =
      fromDigitsBase6( => colorToDigit(color)))

    def fromDigitsBase6(digits: String): Cube =
      new Cube(java.lang.Long.parseLong(digits, 6))

@tarsa, I think what you’re suggesting is that my tail recursive function implementation is not so bad. right?

BTW, I could implement a function similar to foldRight/foldLeft on Long so that I can treat a long like a sequence of digits of a given base? That would have the benefit of making the function cubeToLong look much more similar to is inverse function, longToCube.

Well, your tail recursive function definitely does the job.

If you first convert Long to series of digits (base 6) then you don’t need fold anymore - simple map suffices (like in my version).

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Not sure if it is more readable, but here is what I get when I try to make a fold-like function which maps across the digits of a number from right to left, in a specified base.

  def foldRightDigits[T](num:Long, digits:Int, base:Int)(initial:T,f:(T,Int)=>T):T = {
    def recur(digits:Int,acc:T,num:Long):T = {
      if (digits == 0)
        recur(digits-1, f(acc, (num % base).toInt), num / base)
    recur(digits, initial, num)
  def cubeToLong(cube:Cube):Long = {
    // convert from string to base 6
    cube.foldLeft(0L)((acc:Long,ch:Char)=>(acc * 6 + cubeColors.indexOf(ch)))

  def longToCube(n:Long):Cube = {
    foldRightDigits(n, 24, 6)(List(),(acc:List[Char],digit:Int) => cubeColors(digit)::acc).mkString