Scala+JPF: Listener No Suitable Ctor Found

Dear all,

I have already sent this to the JPF list and had no response. So, I thought I should also try it here. This is a more lively list after all…

I am trying to implement the RangeChecker material of the JPF Tutorial from ASE 2011 in Scala. My Scala implementation
(src/main/scaltut/RangeChecker.scala) as well as the test class (src/examples/MyRCTest.scala) and my JPF listener (src/examples/MyRCTest.jpf) are all attached to this posting. I have the following line in my for the Scala Runtime Library to be in my classpath:

jpf-core.classpath =

When I try to verify my JPF file in Eclipse, I get the following output:

Executing command: java -jar C:…\JPF_HOME\build\RunJPF.jar +shell.port=4242 C:…\JPF\jpf-tut-new\src\examples\MyRCTest.jpf [SEVERE] JPF configuration error: error instantiating class scaltut.MyRC for entry “listener”:no suitable ctor found [SEVERE] JPF terminated

Does anyone know what’s wrong? How do I fix that?
