Refactoring to remove dependency on LazyList

Continuing to refactor to remove hard coded LazyList where it makes sense to do so. What do I do with filter in this function? Previously gen return LazyList[T]; now it returns C[T].

  def isField[T,C[_]:Foldable](gen: () => C[T],
                 member: T => HeavyBool,
                 add: (T, T) => T, mult: (T, T) => T,
                 add_invert: T => Option[T], mult_invert: T => Option[T],
                 one: T, zero: T): HeavyBool = {
    val ma = DynMagma[T,C](gen, add, x => member(x).toBoolean)
    lazy val mb = DynMagma[T,C](gen, mult, x => member(x).toBoolean)
    lazy val mz = DynMagma[T,C](non_zero_gen, mult, x => member(x).toBoolean)

    def non_zero_gen():C[T] = {
      gen().filter(_ != zero) // <----- what should I replace filter with?

    !ma.equiv(one,zero) &&
      mb.isAbelian().conjFalse(Map("reason" -> "not Abelian")) &&
      isRing(gen, member,
             add, mult, add_invert,
             one, zero).conjFalse(Map("reason" -> s"not a ring")) &&
      mz.isInverter(one, mult_invert)
        .conjFalse(Map("reason" -> "invalid inversion"))

I changed it to the following, not sure that is correct. I.e., i can only filter a C[T] into a List[T]

    def non_zero_gen():List[T] = {
      gen().filter_(_ != zero)

Replace Foldable with TraverseFilter and you would get filter again.

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BTW, why is Array not Foldable? is it because of the mutability?

Yeah, cats doesn’t provide instances for mutable types since those can be used to break the laws.
You can use ArraySeq instead

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you still have duplicated instances of foldable:

abstract class Magma[T,C[_]: Foldable] {

  def gen()(implicit ev:Foldable[C]): C[T]

[Type: ContextBound] desugars to [Type] + anonymous implicit parameter of type ContextBound[Type]. so your code is equivalent to:

abstract class Magma[T,C[_]](implicit $anonymous: Foldable[C]) {

  def gen()(implicit ev:Foldable[C]): C[T]

i think the duplication is now obvious.

additionally, the ev parameter from gen() is completely unused (i think, i haven’t analyzed your code meticulously).’

in the end, you should remove the duplicated param from gen and have just that:

abstract class Magma[T,C[_]: Foldable] {

  def gen(): C[T]
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Thanks for the analysis. I’ll give it a try.

yes, if I take the implicit parameter off the gen method in Magma and all its subclasses, it still compiles and all my tests still pass.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I feel like there needs to be some summary of the solution to this problem.
In the end the code is very simple, but finding the simple code was a formidable challenge.

The project includes implementing a sort of logic in several different programming languages to compare expressivity. Languages include Python, Clojure, and Scala, but may be extended to include OCaml, Haskel, and Common Lisp.

A short summary of the project in question is a system of decorated Boolean values, which I have called HeavyBool. These are not simply True and False but rather true-because(reasons) and false-because(reasons). HeavyBool is accompanied by operators such as conjunction, disjunction, inversion which at least preserve the reasons component both in the true case and also in the false case, and at most conjoin additional reasons to the because description. This is related to the concept of Either when used for error handling, in the sense that errors may accumulate; however it is different because typically Either is used to accumulate errors (false results) but NOT accumulate true results.

Implementing this logic includes existential and universal quantifiers (existsM and forallM). I I want to know whether something is true because there exists a witness and in particular what the witness is and indeed the witness may be the Scala False value. On the other hand, I would like to know that a universal quantifier fails because of a witness (counter example). Inverting a true-witness becomes a false-counter-example.

The original refactoring problem was related to the existential and universal quantifiers in my code which had been written using LazyList primarily because I needed to abort an iteration, and in some cases the list of candidates to feed to foreachM might be extremely long, and laziness helps in these cases.

object HeavyBool {
  def forallM[T](tag:String, items: LazyList[T], p: T => HeavyBool): HeavyBool = {
    def loop(data: LazyList[T]): HeavyBool = {
      if (data.isEmpty)
      else {
        val hb = p(data.head)
        if (hb.toBoolean)
          hb ++ Map("witness" -> data.head,
                    "tag" -> tag)

  def existsM[T](tag:String, items: LazyList[T], p: T => HeavyBool): HeavyBool = {
    !(forallM[T](tag, items, x => !(p(x))))

The first refactoring was to use foldM to eliminate the tail recursion, and make way for accommodating any type for which foldM works. I cannot hope to use the tail-recursion scheme on non-list-like collections.

So the second iteration of the code contained the following new implementation of forallM exploiting foldM, but keeping existsM exactly as before

object HeavyBool {
  def forallM[T](tag:String, items: LazyList[T], p: T => HeavyBool): HeavyBool = {
    import cats._
    import cats.syntax.all._

    def folder(_hb:HeavyBool, item:T):Either[HeavyBool,HeavyBool] = {
      val hb = p(item)
      if (hb.toBoolean)
        Right(HTrue) // not yet finished
        Left(hb ++ Map("witness" -> item,
                  "tag" -> tag)) // finished


  def existsM[T](tag:String, items: LazyList[T], p: T => HeavyBool): HeavyBool = {
    !(forallM[T](tag, items, x => !(p(x))))

The next step is to remove the hard dependency on LazyList in the functions existsM and foreachM. I’d like to allow any collection which is supported by foldM.

BalmungSan suggested the first refactoring, which included splitting the argument list into three parts. (tag, items), (predicate), and (implicit ...).

object HeavyBool {

  def forallM[T, C[_]](tag:String, items: C[T])( p: T => HeavyBool)(implicit ev: cats.Foldable[C]): HeavyBool = {
    import cats._
    import cats.syntax.all._

    def folder(_hb:HeavyBool, item:T):Either[HeavyBool,HeavyBool] = {
      val hb = p(item)
      if (hb.toBoolean)
        Right(HTrue) // not yet finished
        Left(hb ++ Map("witness" -> item,
                  "tag" -> tag)) // finished


  def existsM[T, C[_]](tag:String, items: C[T])(p: T => HeavyBool)(implicit ev: cats.Foldable[C]): HeavyBool = {
    !(forallM[T,C](tag, items)(x => !(p(x)))(ev))

A nice advantage of this refactoring is that it increases readably of call-sites of forallM and existsM. For example:

  def isAntisymmetric[T](gen:LazyList[T], rel:(T,T)=>Boolean) = {
    // if a relates to b, and b relates to a, then a == b
    def hrel(a: T, b: T) = HeavyBool(rel(a, b))

    forallM("x", gen) { (x: T) =>
      forallM("y", gen) { (y: T) => (hrel(x, y) && hrel(y, x)) ==> HeavyBool(x==y) }

  def isStronglyConnected[T](gen:LazyList[T], rel:(T,T)=>Boolean):HeavyBool = {
    def hrel(a: T, b: T) = HeavyBool(rel(a, b))
    // forall a,b, either a relates to b or b relates to a
    forallM("a", gen){ (a:T) =>
      forallM("b", gen) {(b:T) =>
        hrel(a,b) || hrel(b,a)
  }.annotate("strongly connected")

The next step in the refactoring was to look at classes which are using HeavyBool. One such class is called Magma and subclasses such as ModP which have a method named gen, responsible for generating a collection of object for which we’d like to make claims about using foreachM and existsM.

The original version of Magma looked like the following

abstract class Magma[T] {

  def gen(): LazyList[T]

abstract class ModP(p: Int) extends Magma[Int] {
  override def toString: String = s"ModP($p)"

  override def gen(): LazyList[Int] = Magma.genFinite(p - 1)

The goal at this point was to remove the dependence on LazyList in the abstract classes, perhaps keeping it in the leaf-level classes where appropriate. Attempts failed to make this change by type parameters on the gen method. I had to use an additional type parameter on the Magma class and its subclasses.

A difficult thing to understand is the syntax for creating subclasses of Magma and declaring and overriding methods in the various classes. When to use C[T], vs C[_], vs C, and when to use List vs List[Int] etc.

abstract class Magma[T, C[_]: Foldable] {
  def gen(): C[T]
  def op(a: T, b: T): T

abstract class ModP(p: Int) extends Magma[Int, List] {
  override def gen(): List[Int] = Magma.genListFinite(p - 1)

class AdditionModP(p: Int) extends ModP(p) {
  override def op(a: Int, b: Int): Int = (a + b) % p

class MultiplicationModP(p: Int) extends ModP(p) {
  override def gen(): List[Int] = {
    super.gen().filter { a:Int => a != 0 }
  override def op(a: Int, b: Int): Int = (a * b) % p

class GaussianIntModP(p: Int) extends Magma[(Int,Int), LazyList] {
  override def gen(): LazyList[(Int,Int)] = {
    def loop(u:Int,v:Int):LazyList[(Int,Int)] = {
      if (u==p)
      else if (v==p)
        (u,v) #:: loop(u,v+1)

As I recall this caused lots of problem, especially with warning messages in IntelliJ. I later realized that I was using an old version of cats. In retrospect, it seems all the compiler problems go away if I simply upgrade cats from 2.7.0 to 2 10.0.