Postgres question

Hi all, I hope this is correct place to ask.

I’m very absolutely new to scala. I use existing code written by another developer to fetch data from postgres database into dataframe.

import org.postgresql.Driver
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
val url1= [secret credentials]
val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"

var sql_query = """ Select 1 as t1, 2 as t2 """

val df =
  .option("url", url1)
  .option("query", sql_query)


It works fine as is, now I need to create user-defined function where input parameter would be sql query text (String) and output would be dataframe. I know how to do this in Python with pandas, but pandas doesn’t support processing with multiple instances, so I need to do this in scala instead.

How do I start?
Maybe someone could generously show how to implement function mentioned above or at least help in this direction?..
Please advise.

upd: found answer
import org.postgresql.Driver
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame

def fn_monolith_to_scala_df(query: String) = {
val url1= dbutils.secrets.get("monolith", "dw_user_pass_scala_url")
val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
  .option("url", url1)
  .option("query", query)