Please help to correct below code

trait ArithmeticOperations {
var x :Int
var y: Int
def add
def subtract
def multiply
def divide
class Variables defs (xc:Int, yc:Int) extends ArithmeticOperations {
x= xc
y= yc
def add() = x + y
def subtract() = x - y
def multiply() = x * y
def divide() = x / y
object TraitExample extends App{
val input1 = args(0).toInt
val input2 = args(1).toInt
var variable = new Variables(input1, input2)

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When we running above code we are getting… plz let us know where is the issue in the code… i think there is small mistake only

Please help us with required issue

Your defs is an error, i.e. just class Variables (xc : Int, ... is probably what you want.


Did below code after which getting error -

trait ArithmeticOperations {
var x :Int
var y: Int
def add
def subtract
def multiply
def divide
class Variables (xc: Int, yc: Int) extends ArithmeticOperations {
x= xc
y= yc
def add() = x + y
def subtract() = x - y
def multiply() = x * y
def divide() = x / y
object TraitExample extends App{
val input1 = args(0).toInt
val input2 = args(1).toInt
var variable = new Variables(input1, input2)

error is -

$ scalac Traits.scala
Traits.scala:9: error: class Variables needs to be abstract, since:
it has 2 unimplemented members.
/** As seen from class Variables, the missing signatures are as follows.

  • For convenience, these are usable as stub implementations.
    def x_=(x$1: Int): Unit = ???
    def y_=(x$1: Int): Unit = ???

class Variables (xc: Int, yc: Int) extends ArithmeticOperations {
one error found

It depends on what you want your code to mean. Why are x and y var not val? If you make them Val’s you also need to change to val x = xc for example.


give below code as suggest

trait ArithmeticOperations {
val x :Int
val y: Int
def add
def subtract
def multiply
def divide
class Variables (xc: Int, yc: Int) extends ArithmeticOperations {
x= xc
y= yc
def add() = x + y
def subtract() = x - y
def multiply() = x * y
def divide() = x / y
object TraitExample extends App{
val input1 = args(0).toInt
val input2 = args(1).toInt
var variable = new Variables(input1, input2)

got below error

$ scalac Traits.scala
Traits.scala:10: error: reassignment to val
x= xc
Traits.scala:11: error: reassignment to val
y= yc
two errors found

Final correct code but result not ad desired. Final code is

trait ArithmeticOperations {
val x :Int
val y: Int
def add
def subtract
def multiply
def divide
class Variables (xc: Int, yc: Int) extends ArithmeticOperations {
val x= xc
val y= yc
def add() = x + y
def subtract() = x - y
def multiply() = x * y
def divide() = x / y
object TraitExample extends App{
val input1 = args(0).toInt
val input2 = args(1).toInt
var variable = new Variables(input1, input2)

Output getting as

$ scala TraitExample 5 3

It should be

$ scala TraitExample 5 3

Please help

Finally succeed code will be

trait ArithmeticOperations {
val x :Int
val y: Int
def add: Int
def subtract: Int
def multiply: Int
def divide: Int
class Variables (xc: Int, yc: Int) extends ArithmeticOperations {
val x= xc
val y= yc
def add() = x + y
def subtract() = x - y
def multiply() = x * y
def divide() = x / y
object TraitExample extends App{
val input1 = args(0).toInt
val input2 = args(1).toInt
var variable = new Variables(input1, input2)

working as expected