Please help me to solve this

Write a function add , which takes two integer variables x and y and returns their sum as output in which y is an implicit parameter , and also declares the implicit parameter in the main function as 7 . Then, write a function greet which takes two strings s1 and s2 , where s1 is an implicit parameter with value as Name . On taking the string input from the command line, the program must print s1 : s2 (refer to the example at the end for more clarity).

Copy the following ImplicitParams2 program into the file: `object ImplicitParams2 extends App {
val input1 : String = args(0)
val input2 : Int = args(1).toInt
//write your code here

i done the following code:

object ImplicitParams2 extends App {
val input1 : String = args(0)
val input2 : Int = args(1).toInt
def add(x:Int=input2)(implicit y:Int=7)=x+y
def greet(s2:String=input1)(implicit s1:String=“Name”) = s1:s2

Did you at least tried searching?

yes, Actually i am new to this language and learning.Please tell my mistake if you found that.

ok I got it from the link, I have seen later.Thank you so much.