I want to connect to Postgres database using scala 3 and zio 2

I have a Scala 3 app running zio-http with zio-2 and I’d like to use it to query a Postgres database. The only library I got working with my project is scalikejdbc, but I’m just not a fan of the api. Also code generation would be nice - basically I want Slick for Scala 3.
I started going in the direction of a separate module that interacts with DB using Slick and Scala 2.13, and serves it via HTTP, but now I realize that it’s extremely redundant. I will consider changing the DB to Mongo or something, if that means I get Slick-like niceties.

What DB layer library could fit my needs?

Any input appreciated!

There is a youtube channel called rockthejvm. In there there is a step by step coding example of using doobie with postgres.
I tried slick in the past, there are walls with the marks of my knuckles for having tried slick.

AFAIK doobie doesn’t have great interop with ZIO, and queries are written as strings which is not my cup of tea. zio-sql looks promising but I don’t think it has support for Scala 3 yet.

I tried slick in the past, there are walls with the marks of my knuckles for having tried slick.

This seems like a popular opinion in the community - may I ask what drove you to that point? I worked with Slick for a few years and I liked it. The only thing I can think of is the ugly nesting of join queries after joining many tables, but thankfully I didn’t hit that case too many times + you can always write it as plain string.