How to file if line is reached in scalatest

Maybe someone can chime in? If I tag certain tests with a particular tag, how do I ask by CI/CD pipeline to ignore tests with that tag?

My tests are marked with Tag(“enhancement”)

Here is my script which runs the tests

#!/bin/csh -f
alias STDERR 'bash -c "cat - 1>&2"'

echo ============== running  scala tests ==============

echo pwd= `pwd`
cd ./globe
set tmpfile = sbt.$$.out
sbt -Dsbt.log.noformat=true "set parallelExecution in Test := false" test |& tee $tmpfile
grep -e '^[[]error[]]' $tmpfile
if ($status == 0) then
  echo error running tests  | STDERR
  exit 1

I see the post by Alvin Alexander relating to this. He suggests sbt -test-only -- -l TAG-STRING.
I’m not sure what the difference between -test and -test-only is.

BTW the sbt documentation uses testOnly and the Alvin posts suggest test-only. Do both work the same way? Is one deprecated/typo?

sbt "testOnly -- -l enhancement"

No idea where the dash notation for sbt tasks comes from (ScalaTest docs use it, too), but I’d suggest to always use the latest relevant documentation for each tool involved - in this case sbt for the test[Only] task and ScalaTest for the test runner parameters.

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