Fields in object is now static in 2.13

We use Spring a lot using the @javax.annotation.Resource annotation for injecting stuff. It works well but we see new behaviour using the annotation to inject stuff into object in 2.13:

import javax.annotation.Resource
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable

object MyObject {
	val myService: MyService = null

This works fine in Scala-2.12, but in 2.13 it fails at runtime with:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: @Resource annotation is not supported on static fields

Any ideas for a clean solution to this?

Forgot to say; We use AspectJ to weave these non-Spring managed objects, with config like this (aop.xml):

    <weaver options="-verbose -showWeaveInfo">
        Only weave @Configurable stuff
        <include within="@org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Configurable com.visena..*"/>

looks like a consequence of

In case anyone gooles this, this is a work-around:

object MyObject {
	@(Resource @setter)
	private var myService: MyService = _

Anyone else got a better idea?

Ran into the same issue - this is the minimal version that doesn’t work in Scala 2.13:

import{Guice, Inject, Injector}

class A {}

object O {
  @Inject var a: A = _

val injector: Injector = Guice.createInjector()
println(O.a) // prints null

We were able to fix this by changing it to the syntax above: @(Inject @setter) var a: A = _

However, there’s one remaining issue - did anyone figure out how to use the @Named annotation in combination with this? @(Inject @Named("foo") @setter) var a: A = _ or @Named("foo") @(Inject @setter) var a: A = _ don’t work

How about this?

  import{Guice, Inject, Injector}

  class A {}

  class O {
    @Inject var variable: A = _
    @Inject val value: A = null

  object O extends O

  val injector: Injector = Guice.createInjector()