Error in code while using breeze

hi, i am new to scala language and i am trying to code
import breeze.linalg._
var x0=DenseMatrix((-3),(7))
var xa=x0
var A=DenseMatrix((4,2),(2,2))
var b=DenseMatrix((-1),(1))
var a=0

// import following package
import scala.util.control._

// create a Breaks object as follows
val loop = new Breaks;
for (a <- 0 to 10) {

val g1: Any = ((A * x0) - b).toDenseMatrix
val gt = {
val alp = gt * (g1 \ gt * A * g1)
val xn = x0 - (alp * g1)
xa = DenseMatrix.horzcat(xa, xn)
var x = xn
var e = norm(A * xn - b, 2)
if (e < 0.001) {


i am getting various erros when i run this
No implicit arguments of type: CanTranspose[Any, That_]
**Cannot resolve symbol * **
No implicit arguments of type: OpSolveMatrixBy.Impl2[Any, B_, That_]
**Cannot resolve symbol * **
**Cannot resolve symbol * **
**Cannot resolve symbol * **
No implicit arguments of type: OpMulMatrix.Impl2[DenseMatrix[Int], B_, That_]
Cannot resolve symbol -
Cannot resolve symbol <
i am uncertain exactly why these errors are showing since there arent any syntax errors given.

What is the shortest piece of code that still gives an error? (Is this your first program you’ve tried to write using breeze?)

Finding the shortest piece of code that doesn’t work usually makes it clearer what the problem is — both to yourself, and to people who you’re asking for your help.

This line seems strange:

val g1: Any = ((A * x0) - b).toDenseMatrix

why ascribe Any? If you force the type of g1 to be Any in this way, then you shouldn’t expect the g1.t that follows to compile.