Efficiency: creating vs. throwing an Exception

Here, I created a new benchmark (using Thyme):

import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
val e = new Exception
trait T {
  def foo: Int
  def bar: Int
  def baz: Int
  def qux: Either[Throwable, Int]
  def yig: Either[Exception, Int]
class A extends T {
  def foo: Int = throw new Exception
  def bar: Int = throw e
  def baz: Int = throw new ControlThrowable {}
  def qux: Either[Throwable, Int] = Left(new ControlThrowable {})
  def yig: Either[Exception, Int] = Left(new Exception)
class B extends T {
  def foo: Int = throw new Exception
  def bar: Int = throw e
  def baz: Int = throw new ControlThrowable {}
  def qux: Either[Throwable, Int] = Left(new ControlThrowable {})
  def yig: Either[Exception, Int] = Left(new Exception)
class C extends T {
  def foo: Int = throw new Exception
  def bar: Int = throw e
  def baz: Int = throw new ControlThrowable {}
  def qux: Either[Throwable, Int] = Left(new ControlThrowable {})
  def yig: Either[Exception, Int] = Left(new Exception)
class D extends T {
  def foo: Int = throw new Exception
  def bar: Int = throw e
  def baz: Int = throw new ControlThrowable {}
  def qux: Either[Throwable, Int] = Left(new ControlThrowable {})
  def yig: Either[Exception, Int] = Left(new Exception)
val a = Array.tabulate(1000)(i => (i%4) match { case 0 => new A; case 1 => new B; case 2 => new C; case _ => new D })
val th = new ichi.bench.Thyme
def foo = {
  var i, s = 0
  while (i < a.length) {
    try { s += a(i).foo } catch { case _: Exception => s += 1 }
    i += 1
def bar = {
  var i, s = 0
  while (i < a.length) {
    try { s += a(i).bar } catch { case _: Exception => s += 1 }
    i += 1
def baz = {
  var i, s = 0
  while (i < a.length) {
    try { s += a(i).baz } catch { case _: Throwable => s += 1 }
    i += 1
def qux = {
  var i, s = 0
  while (i < a.length) {
    a(i).qux match {
      case Right(i) => s += i
      case _ => s += 1
    i += 1
def yig = {
  var i, s = 0
  while (i < a.length) {
    a(i).yig match {
      case Right(i) => s += i
      case _ => s += 1
    i += 1
th.pbenchOff(){ foo }{ qux }
th.pbenchOff(){ bar }{ qux }
th.pbenchOff(){ baz }{ qux }
th.pbenchOff(){ yig }{ qux }

Results (one run, but results are typical):

Benchmark comparison (in 617.3 ms)
Significantly different (p ~= 0)
  Time ratio:    0.00577   95% CI 0.00553 - 0.00601   (n=20)
    First     1.910 ms   95% CI 1.864 ms - 1.957 ms
    Second    11.03 us   95% CI 10.66 us - 11.40 us

Benchmark comparison (in 609.1 ms)
Significantly different (p ~= 0)
  Time ratio:    0.10376   95% CI 0.10127 - 0.10626   (n=20)
    First     107.6 us   95% CI 106.0 us - 109.3 us
    Second    11.17 us   95% CI 10.96 us - 11.37 us

Benchmark comparison (in 539.0 ms)
Significantly different (p ~= 0)
  Time ratio:    0.13197   95% CI 0.13019 - 0.13375   (n=20)
    First     81.38 us   95% CI 80.58 us - 82.18 us
    Second    10.74 us   95% CI 10.64 us - 10.84 us
  Individual benchmarks not fully consistent with head-to-head (p ~= 1.211e-12)
    First     91.14 us   95% CI 90.31 us - 91.98 us
    Second    10.52 us   95% CI 10.45 us - 10.59 us

Benchmark comparison (in 1.826 s)
Significantly different (p ~= 0)
  Time ratio:    0.00582   95% CI 0.00578 - 0.00587   (n=30)
    First     1.840 ms   95% CI 1.832 ms - 1.849 ms
    Second    10.71 us   95% CI 10.65 us - 10.78 us
  Individual benchmarks not fully consistent with head-to-head (p ~= 5.094e-07)
    First     2.106 ms   95% CI 2.082 ms - 2.131 ms
    Second    10.55 us   95% CI 10.49 us - 10.60 us

Conclusion: passing back a new stackless exception wrapped in a Left (I don’t know why you’d do this…) is about 8x faster than throwing that stackless exception, about 10x faster than throwing a pre-generated stack-containing exception, and about 170x faster than passing back a new exception with a stack or creating and throwing that exception.

Head-to-head of the pre-generated vs. freshly created exception, both with throwing, gives about a 20x advantage to pre-generation:

scala> th.pbenchOff(){ foo }{ bar }
Benchmark comparison (in 506.0 ms)
Significantly different (p ~= 0)
  Time ratio:    0.04942   95% CI 0.04867 - 0.05016   (n=20)
    First     1.594 ms   95% CI 1.579 ms - 1.609 ms
    Second    78.79 us   95% CI 77.86 us - 79.72 us
  Individual benchmarks not fully consistent with head-to-head (p ~= 8.028e-06)
    First     1.857 ms   95% CI 1.781 ms - 1.933 ms
    Second    78.38 us   95% CI 77.89 us - 78.88 us

Quick and dirty and various things could go wrong (and did during testing–sometimes I got weird unoptimized results), but this is roughly what I’ve seen before and is a good rule of thumb.

  • Return value without boxing–super fast!! (not shown here)
  • Return value boxed–fast!
  • Throw stackless or pre-generated exception–10x slower
  • Create stacked exception–20x slower again
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