DSL and type inference

Hi im trying to make a simple dsl where I have these 2 entities Process and Step.

So far so good but I also need an Out type for each step.

The problem is I can’t make the flatMap function on Step because the [A] doesn’t get inferred. I’ve tried with context functions too so i can carry the [A] paramter over but it doesn’t work with flatmap either. Any clues?

It says value1 is not a member of Any:
Screenshot from 2022-04-02 15-10-50

so you need to provide the type for the anonymous function input to task instead of using the _.value1 syntactic sugar:

It seems to work now. Scastie - An interactive playground for Scala.

Thanks for the answer I’ve considered that too but I was looking for a way to let the compiler infer it somehow so it’s easier to write

To me it looks like the inference problem is unrelated to the additional Out parameter (and “dropping” it in #sequence, as I initially assumed), but can be reduced to the following:

[EDIT: Replaced Proc1 with String.]

trait Step[A]:
  def id: Step[A] = this

def id[A](s: Step[A]): Step[A] = s

def task[A](fn: A => Any): Step[A] = ???

// compiles
val x: Step[String] = id(task(_.length))
// fails: value length is not a member of Any
val y: Step[String] = task(_.length).id

So it looks like type inference handles function nesting, but not method chaining in this scenario…? :thinking: I don’t know anything about compiler internals and constraints, but naively I would have expected this to work.

Thanks for identify the actual problem, I could try to avoid method call somehow but it would be easier if it worked.
Edit: actually method call isn’t the only problem probably. look this

trait Step[A]:
      def id: Step[A] = this

def id[A](s: Step[A]): Step[A] = s

def sequence[A](s: Step[A])(s2: Step[A]): Step[A] = s
def ifThenElse[A](cond: A => Boolean, thenS: Step[A], elseS: Step[A]): Step[A] = ???

def task[A](fn: A => Any): Step[A] = ???

// compiles
val x: Step[String] = id(task(_.length))

val x2 = ifThenElse(
  (s: String) => s.length > 0,
  sequence(task(_.length))(task(_.length)), // here is Any again

Looks like the more you nest the more you lose inference :man_shrugging:

I mean at this point I could consider using a class that carries the context to build the steps

But idk the classless was looking cleaner