Complex numbers

After a lot of screwing around I finally got this to work. Next question: How do I make == work symmetrically so I can write

3 == Complex(3, 0)

Is that possible?

You won’t be able to change the == operator, as implicit conversions will only apply for method/operator signatures not yet defined and == takes Any, so it is always available. What you can do is use a different operator, e.g. === and then have a typeclass that says if things can be compared with it (like the Eq typeclass in cats). Or you could use ==:, which would then be called on the Complex object, but that would mean using different operators based on if the Complex is on the left or right.

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Here is my Complex number class in case anyone is interested. A cubic polynomial solution (analytical, not numerical) is included in the companion object. (128 lines total)

package scalar_

import types_._
import mathx_._

import scala.language.implicitConversions

case class Complex(real: Scalar, imag: Scalar=0) {

  override def toString: Text =
    s"%g ${if (imag<0) "-" else "+"} %gi".form(real, abs(imag))

  lazy val mag = hypot(real, imag) // magnitude
  lazy val dir = atan2(imag, real) // direction

  def abs_imag = abs(imag)

  def + (c: Complex) = Complex(real + c.real, imag + c.imag)
  def + (s: Scalar) = Complex(real + s, imag)

  def - (c: Complex) = Complex(real - c.real, imag - c.imag)
  def - (s: Scalar) = Complex(real - s, imag)

  def * (c: Complex) = Complex(real * c.real - imag * c.imag,
      real * c.imag + imag * c.real)
  def * (s: Scalar) = Complex(s * real, s * imag)

  def / (c: Complex): Complex = {
    val denom = sqr(c.real) + sqr(c.imag)
    val r1 = real * c.real + imag * c.imag
    val i1 = imag * c.real - real * c.imag
    Complex(r1, i1) / denom

  def / (s: Scalar) = Complex(real / s, imag / s)

  def unary_- = Complex(-real, -imag)
  def conjugate = Complex(real, -imag)

  def pow(exp: Real): Complex = {
    val mag1 = scalar_.pow(mag, exp)
    val dir1 = exp * dir
    Complex(cos(dir1), sin(dir1)) * mag1

  override def equals(that: Any): Bool = that match {
    case c: Complex => real == c.real && imag == c.imag
    case s: Scalar => real == s && imag == 0
    case r: Real => real == r && imag == 0 // ignore compiler warning
    case i: Int => real == i && imag == 0
    case _ => false

  def ==: (a: Any) = equals(a) // allows reverse order of args for == test

  def toScalar: Scalar = {
    if (imag == 0) return real
    throw new RuntimeException(s"Cannot convert $this to Scalar")

  def toReal = Real(toScalar)

object Complex {

  def sqr(a: Complex) = a * a
  def cube(a: Complex) = a * a * a

  def sqrt(a: Complex): Complex = a.pow(0.5)
  def sqrt(a: Real): Complex = sqrt(Complex(a))
  def sqrt(a: Int): Complex = sqrt(Complex(a))

  def cbrt(a: Complex): Complex = a.pow(1/3.0)
  def cbrt(a: Real): Complex = cbrt(Complex(a))
  def cbrt(a: Int): Complex = cbrt(Complex(a))

  def pow(c: Complex, exp: Real): Complex = c.pow(exp)

  def toScalar(c: Complex) = c.toScalar
  def toReal(c: Complex) = c.toReal

  def ==: (a: Any, b: Complex) = a match {
    case a: Complex => a == b
    case a: Scalar => Complex(a) == b
    case a: Int => Complex(a) == b
    case _ => false

  implicit def ScalarToComplex(r: Scalar): Complex = Complex(r)

  def quadraticRoots(a: Scalar, b: Scalar, c: Scalar): Vector[Complex] = {
    // roots of a quadratic polynomial ax^2 + bx + c = 0
    if (a == 0) return Vector(-c/b)
    val d = Complex.sqrt(b*b - 4*a*c)
    val x1 = (-b + d) / a / 2
    val x2 = (-b - d) / a / 2
    Vector(x1, x2)

  def cubicRoots(a: Scalar, b: Scalar, c: Scalar, d: Scalar): Vector[Complex] = {
    // roots of a cubic polynomial ax^3 + bx^2 + cx + d = 0 based on

    if (a == 0) return quadraticRoots(b, c, d)

    val d0 = b*b - 3*a*c
    val d1 = 2*b*b*b - 9*a*b*c + 27*a*a*d

    val g = (Complex.sqrt(-3) - 1) / 2
    val z = Complex.sqrt(d1*d1 - 4*d0*d0*d0)
    val C1 = Complex.cbrt((d1 + z) / 2)
    val C2 = C1 * g
    val C3 = C2 * g

    val x1 = -(b + C1 + d0/C1) / a / 3
    val x2 = -(b + C2 + d0/C2) / a / 3
    val x3 = -(b + C3 + d0/C3) / a / 3

    val Vector(r1, r2, r3) = Vector(x1, x2, x3).sortBy(_.abs_imag)
    Vector(r1.copy(imag=0), r2, r3) // avoid roundoff error for known real root

  // The following trick avoids conflicts with Scalar implicit conversions:
  trait implicits1 { implicit def RealToComplex(r: Real) = Complex(r) }
  object implicits extends implicits1
  // to activate this implicit conversion, add the following line:
  // import Complex.implicits._