Can't traverse an iterator more than once

@ivanopagano, I agree with you. But I do like to read during morning and evening metro commutes. Having a book which is reasonably self contained has certain advantages. I tried downloading the blue book onto my kindle, but that’s no fun either, holding a paper book in one hand and a kindle in the other and trying to read them in sync. On the other hand, the number of people who actually read paper books in the metro is steadily decreasing over time, so it is potentially not a profitable proposition for a publishing company.

I perfectly understand, I had the same issue, which held me back from reading the book for a long time.
In the end a friend of mine suggested a solution: I actually solved the exercises (at times only outlining them) on paper while on the commute with my kindle and a notebook.

When at home or with a pc in front of me, I eventually verified the solutions by writing the code and running it… this allowed me to read the whole book when it would’ve been practically a no-go otherwise

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