Call for Papers: Northeast Scala Symposium 2019

The 2019 Northeast Scala Symposium Call for Papers is open.

We’re looking for many different kinds of talks, at all levels of expertise, from rank novice to brain-bending expert. The community will vote on the talks, but the talks will be anonymized. We’ll be voting on topics, not speakers.

Propose a talk on anything that might be of interest to the Scala community. Possible topics include, but aren’t limited to:

  • the Scala language, ecosystem, or tooling
  • functional programming—in any language, not just Scala
  • big data and data science (even if you absolutely must use Python)

In short, anything you think might interest Scala programmers is fair game.

For more details, see the CFP.

This year, we’ve begun to work hard on diversity. We’ve engaged with the folks at Bridgewater Associates, who have experience in that area. We’ve refined our code of conduct (a draft of which you can find on our web site). We’re trying to reach out to groups beyond the usual demographics that dominate the Scala community and the industry at large.

We’re specifically seeking a more diverse speaker pool, and we also want to make the conference a safe place for everyone. While we retain our community-focused “attendees vote on the talks” approach, we’re holding back some talk slots for speakers with more diverse backgrounds. We’re trying to set aside some funds to help defray travel costs for such speakers. We’re putting in place feedback and reporting mechanisms and well-defined escalation procedures to try to make the conference a safer space for all attendees.

The 2019 Northeast Scala Symposium will be held in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, US, along with the 2019 Typelevel Summit Philadelphia, April 1 through April 3. Tickets will go on sale starting next week, at $75.

Please consider joining us!