Why can't the Iterator work correctly?

Reasons to use Iterator:

(1) There are potentially so many elements, you don’t want to have to keep them all in memory at the same time (e.g. traversing lines of a very large file)

(2) You want to start retrieving the first elements while later ones are not yet available (e.g. results from a database query or webservice)

(3) The elements are expensive to create, and maybe you don’t need them all (e.g. some expensive calculation)

(4) The number of elements is very large or even indefinite, but you only need the first ones (e.g. calculate prime numbers in sequence, keep going until I find one I like)

Yes, I was wrong, you are right and the book is wrong.

I think Martin Odersky may not want to create a lazy map method. Is it a bug?

What Martin Odersky wants to create or not is not really germane to the discussion.

The behaviour I’m showing is exactly the behaviour promised by the Iterator contract. It’s not a bug.

If you want to be able to iterate over an iterator twice, duplicate it.

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scala> val src = Iterator("a", "number", "of", "words")
src: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator

scala> val (i1, i2) = src.duplicate //invalidate src, get two for the price of one
i1: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator
i2: Iterator[String] = non-empty iterator

scala> val target = i1.map(_.length) //invlidate i1
target: Iterator[Int] = non-empty iterator

scala> target foreach println

scala> i2 foreach println

OK. I will remember this usage.
Thanks. :slight_smile:

No it is not a bug. For an explanation of why, look at:

Its seems this will change in 2.13 and map should retain its laziness.

One may want to use an iterator only once to save memory, e.g. to iterate over all permutations.



A new problem! If a iterator uses duplicate method, the old one is still non-empty. And if I exhaust the old one, the new two will become empty. Amazing!

That seems to me like the expected behavior for duplicate. I don’t see any other way it could behave.

After calling duplicate on it you should discard it and only work with iterators that duplicate gives you.

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After using the duplicate method, shouldn’t it be exhausted automatically? In other words, if I accidentally use the old one, there will be a serious mistake, is it? But the book says “By contrast the original iterator, it, is advanced to its end by duplicate and is thus rendered unusable”. I expected the interpreter throws an exception if I use the old one rather than I should remember that the old one can’t be used. When the code is long, programmer may make a careless mistake.

Why? I expected the interpreter throws an exception that prohibits me to use the old iterator.

You can certainly imagine a design where invalidated iterators are forcibly invalidated by either rendering them empty (but without actually consuming any items), or by making them throw a runtime error if any of their methods are called.

Such a design hadn’t occurred to me. I’m not sure if such a design was ever considered.

Expecting anything after you used a method on an Iterator that’s not isEmpty, next or hasNext is wrong – it’s undefined behaviour.

This coincidentally is the third thread about iterator re-use I’ve seen in a short period of time. What’s the underlying cause of this question?

Not sure about the timing, but Iterators can be confusing to Scalani, because the API looks so much like that of an immutable standard Scala collection (i.e. things we use every day), but it does not behave like one.

Ironically, you do not need Iterators. Something like a lazy linked list could do the job at least as well.

Isn’t the problem with a lazy list or stream always that it’s way too easy to hold on to the head by accident, preventing all subsequent elements from being garbage collected?
Isn’t a View (in 2.13 at least…) supposed to be more or less an Iterator that can be reused?

Not always, lazy list still memorizes, and prevents collection if you hold on to its head. Iterators don’t do that.

Right, you’d have to always discard the head and keep the tail to replace an iterator.

Absolutely right. You would typically want to obtain the lazily linked list and immediately consume and discard it - just like you would with an iterator.

If you start holding onto a lazily linked list and pass it around like candy, then the benefit of the laziness gets lost. On the other hand, do the same with an iterator and likely you will find it in a state different from what you expected.

AKAIK, views keep the entire collection in memory, so they are no substitute.

If the Scala community prefers iterators to lazily linked lists, that would be the first time I am more FP-minded than the community. :wink:

I suppose you could do something similar to Java’s fail-fast iterators: use a flag to detect that a method has been called and check for it everywhere to throw an IllegalStateException explicitly. Small runtime cost but would avoid incorrect code that appears to be working fine until an internal implementation changes.