Debug macro for multiple variables

So I have

import language.experimental.macros
import reflect.macros.blackbox.Context

object deb
   /** Simple macro, prints out string preceded by source code position */
   def apply(str: String): Unit = macro debImpl
   def debImpl(c: Context)(str: c.Expr[String]): c.Expr[Unit] = 
      import c.universe._     
      val pos: Position  = c.macroApplication.pos      
      val s1 = macroPosn(c)(pos)
      val Predef_println = typeOf[Predef.type].decl(TermName("println"))
      c.Expr(q"""$Predef_println($s1 + ": " + $str)""")
   def macroPosn(c: Context)(posn: c.Position): String =
      val fileName = posn.source.toString
      val lineNum: String = posn.line.toString
      val column: String = posn.column.toString
      fileName + "." + lineNum + "." + column

object debvar
   def apply(inputExpsr: Any): Unit = macro debvarImpl
   /** Simple macro, prints out source code position, variable name, variable value */
   def debvarImpl(c: Context)(inputExpr: c.Expr[Any]): c.Expr[Unit] =
      import c.universe._      
      val name1: String = show(inputExpr.tree).reverse.takeWhile(_ != '.').reverse
      val name2: String = name1 + ": " 
      val pos: Position  = c.macroApplication.pos      
      val codePosnStr: String = deb.macroPosn(c)(pos)
      val Predef_println: Symbol = typeOf[Predef.type].decl(TermName("println"))
      val tree: c.Tree = q"""$Predef_println($codePosnStr + " " + $name2 + $inputExpr)"""

But try as I might, I can’t seem to work out the solution for

object debvars
   def apply(inputExprs: Any *): Unit = macro debvarsImpl  
   def debvarsImpl(c: Context)(inputExprs: c.Expr[Any] *): c.Expr[Unit] = ???

I can’t get the unquote for Iterable to work. Any help appreciated.

I think you’re looking for an example such as f interpolator.